Quiet Saturday and Sunday. Pondered and worked on my November Newsletter article. Started one, started a second, and now on my third. None of the three are complete, nor am I satisfied with them. This is not unusual for me. I'm sure the final inspiration will come to me perhaps in a dream or pop into my head when least expected. Always does.
Received a G-clan invitation to a family Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, the 25th. The two major holidays of the year will be celebrated with the G-clan. We are blessed to be included. One thing about us, we value those who value us.
A little elf visited us today. Found a box of old jewelry outside our door. Received a text message revealing the elf. She knows I love working with discarded things. I'm saving it until tomorrow as a special thing to do then. It's one of my most favorite things in the whole wide universe to look at old stuff and wonder what new I can create out of the old.
We're dining on chili for supper. Actually, leftover chili from last night, only more ingredients added to make enough for the two of us. The boyfriend threw me one of his offers yesterday. If I gave him a haircut, he'd make me a batch of chili.
So, here we are in November. The month is special, mainly because on the 9th day of this month my boyfriend made his appearance on planet Earth. We will celebrate just us somehow, but on the 11th Venny friends invited us to go for a buffet brunch to North Country, one of our faves. On the 10th, Venny is having one of its pot-luck suppers, so that'll be another celebration. Birthdays just don't have the same excitement as they once did. The numbers are reaching higher and getting scarier.
For me, personally, November is all about being thankful for every single thing we have. I'm a die-hard proponent of gratitude, something that I fear is lacking in many avenues of human existence. I was raised from little on to be grateful for what I have and not wish for that which is outside my reach. If I'd have had kids of my own, I'd have passed on that same value. There are millions who have so much less, millions that have so much more, but I know I have more than I could have dreamed of having as a little girl.
Every day is a blessing. I remember when my Mom was in her 90s, she would tell me that she was grateful to have one more day. Each of us will have the time when there will be no more one day. So, now, I totally understand what she was telling me. She knew my time would come, and she wanted me to know what it was like.
Till the morrow.....