Friday, December 1, 2023

Cloudy, overcast day.  I see snow on the edge of the parking lot and on rooftops in the distance.  Wish the sky would open up and drop about a foot of the fluffy stuff.  Being it's the 1st of December, it's okay to wish for snow.  It's easy for me to do that, now that I don't have to be on the roads commuting back and forth to work.  I guess we each wish for what we ourselves want.

Last evening we started planning out our Christmas invitations.  Actually, I'm working hard to get seasonally inspired.  To the point that I'm toying with the idea of putting up my hand-painted Christmas village.  Putting it up is a task, yet the village represents a monumental time in my life.  By not putting it up for display and enjoyment, perhaps it does the village an injustice and disregard.  That would be wrong.  I mentioned this to my boyfriend, and he was quick to offer his assistance should I decide to do this.

To be honest, this is how I work with my brain to make my way around the boulder in my path right now.  Yesterday's blog mentions this.  A creative spirit lives within me, and it is that which helps push me to make things.  Those things then represent to me my efforts to be okay.  Another thought popped into my head.  I should crochet a Santa hat for Odin, our home gnome.  One day I almost bought one for him in a thrift store, but then didn't.  How much better for me to make him one.  I have red and white yarn here ready to do just that.  

Still have not finished painting the puppy.  Today is the day.  If I don't have it finished by this evening, I'm jumping off the deck head first.