Monday, November 20, 2023

 A text message received last evening brought me an unexpected surprise.....

Millie and Maggie
My fur nieces
Is this adorable?  OMG, they are two of the sweetest little souls on planet Earth.  Seeing the little dumplings cuddled under a blanket kicks this photo over the top.  Thanks, Debbie.

Tis a slightly sprinkly day.  I see the news is predicting a cross-country storm this week.  That's bad timing, with the holiday travel plans that are already planned.  Our travel day will be Saturday after Thanksgiving, and hopefully by then the stormy weather should be out of our area.  This time of year any plans must include the uncertainty of bad weather.  I can remember when we were meant nothing to us.  However, times are different now, our society isn't maybe as tolerable as it was then.  Can't ever remember anything remotely close to "road rage."

The world received the announcement that former First Lady Rosalynn Carter passed away at age 96.  She and former President Jimmy Carter were married 77 years.  They had four children, but during his term of presidency, I remember only their daughter, Amy.  The death of Mrs. Carter is a reminder that no matter how far up the ladder we may climb, the ultimate end is the same.  Those who never reach their way to the first rung of the ladder will come to the end of life.....just as the one sitting on top of the ladder.  

Best get going.  This week I'm trying to focus on all the positive parts of life.  I read a meme yesterday that talked about the black and white piano keys.  The black keys are our bad days.  The white keys are our good days.  We need both the black and the white keys to make the most beautiful music.