Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The boyfriend is off to a meeting.  I'm staying home, my choice.  

Sun is shining, a beautiful November morning.  Am kinda in one of my turtle modes, where I rather stay inside my shell.  It's my safe place.  Me and my laptop and my recliner.......it's where I take myself to all corners of the globe.  I'm still fascinated with the Iranian nomadic lifestyle.  I'm not one to quickly judge other cultures until I know something about them.  One thing for sure, the Iranian men are mostly tall, dark and dreadfully handsome.  

The box of junk jewelry left by the door has fun stuff inside.  Went through each piece, and next will give it an overnight soak in Dawn soap and hot water.  There are some gorgeous beads for bracelets.  One of these days I'll go on a rampage making bracelets so I have them available to give as gifts, or just give them away.  I don't charge for stuff I make.  My joy is in the giving.  I like giving to others, if they appreciate what I give them.  

Last night I was on YT looking for Christmas decorations to make.  There are some sweet things that I might try.  Especially like using the supplies from my stash, rather than buying new and adding more to the unused stash.  It's that business of making do with what one has.

There was a little yarn left from the throw I just finished.  Just enough to crochet myself a bracelet.  Might do that today to use it up.  In winter, it feels good to wear a nice cozy bracelet made from yarn.  

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