The legend goes as follows:
The first winter the Pilgrims spent in their new home was very cold and bitter. Food was in short supply. Some days they only had enough for each person to have five kernels of corn for the day. When spring came they planted seeds, and they grew and grew. The harvest was good the following year, and they celebrated Thanksgiving with their Indian friends.
From then on, when they celebrated Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims laid out five kernels of corn on each plate to remind themselves of their blessings.
- The 1st kernel reminds us that God loves us.
- The 2nd kernel reminds us that God provides for our needs.
- The 3rd kernel reminds us of the family and friends who love us.
- The 4th kernel reminds us that God hears and answers our prayers.
- The 5th kernel reminds us of the blessed freedoms we enjoy.