Thursday, November 23, 2023


 A few minutes ago, my boyfriend handed me a Bloody Mary along with the words, "Let the party begin!"  He is the chef, making us a Thanksgiving supper that no doubt will be fit for the gods.  

Today I send out to my faithful followers a warm and loving wish for a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.  Like I've said many times, being thankful for what we have is paramount to our happiness.  Not a day goes by that both of us don't thank heaven for the uncountable blessings we've enjoyed over the years.  Oh, that's not to say that all of life has been a giggle, but we choose to focus on that which truly matters.

Thank you to those who reached out to me about my plea for prayers yesterday.  In regard to Sheila, I'm proud to share one of the photos she took on the way home from her heart MRI.  It didn't matter how serious her day was, she took the time to see the beautiful sky and the beautiful sunset that she saw on her way home.  That shows me that Nature inspires her and provides a joy that goes above and beyond her daily struggles....

I asked Sheila if I could share this photo on today's blog, and naturally she said yes.  

Yesterday I finished the comfort crosses for the rest home.  Can check another task off my to-do list.  From now until Christmas, time has wings.  Our holidays are not like those with large family celebrations.  At this time of life, ours is calm and quiet, just the two of us.  We reflect, remember and realize that life must be lived 24 hours at a time, not months or years.  From morning to night, none of us knows what might happen to change our existence forever.  That's how fragile life is.  Sometimes a person gets so twisted in our thoughts and assumptions, we forget that no matter how much we think and fret, it matters not.  

They say that if 'thank you' was the only prayer we ever said, that would be enough.  Just think how powerful that makes the act of giving thanks.  And, may I say how thankful I am for every one who reads my blogs.  Each of you means the world to me.  Please know that.
