Sunday, November 12, 2023

Our day trip yesterday with friends goes in our memory album of fun times.  We stopped at one of our favorite Amish Bakeries.  Gracious sake, what a difference in their prices since we were there last time.  The different kinds of bread were the same price, so we bought a loaf of homemade wheat and one loaf of banana bread.

Must share a phone call we got last evening.  A couple who had just bought a little Yorkie puppy asked if we'd be willing to puppy sit her a couple of days next weekend.  OMG.  Tomorrow evening they're bringing her over here so she can meet us.  We've asked them to join us for supper.  Think I'll fix a kettle of potato chowder and serve the banana bread.  Their schedule allows for them to arrive around 7 o'clock in the evening, so we will serve a light meal.  Yorkies are small and adorable.  My heart pounds just thinking about this blessing.  

It's another nice day out.  The boyfriend plans on watching football on the telly, and I intend to do something but don't know what.  On the road yesterday, I started crocheting comfort crosses to give to the rest home.  My intention is to make about a dozen for Christmas.  Actually, while the other four went into Sam's Club yesterday, I opted to stay in the car and crochet.  There were SO many shoppers, and I had nothing that I wanted to purchase.  Sometimes I rather not put myself in crowds.  Especially now that there's a new strain of Covid ratcheting up its force.  The pandemic perhaps changed me into an overly cautious person, but that's fine.  My parents had a saying.....always rather be safe than sorry.

Think I have pretty much all the ingredients for the potato chowder, except for the milk and half-and-half.  The boyfriend said he'll get whatever I need in the morning.  I really enjoy making my chowder.  Very nutritious and hearty, perfect for this time of the year.  

Was disappointed that the Amish Bakery didn't have any of their homemade noodles for sale.  They're just like the ones my mom used to make.  Homemade chicken noodle soup is another cold weather favorite, with hot chicken sandwiches on the side.  

Just thinking about food makes me hungry.  Gonna fix one of my classic lettuce salads for lunch.  Oh, forgot to say that I bought three pomegranates yesterday in Aldi's.  Cut into the first one, and it was all black inside, spoiled.  That kinda ticked me off, cuz they were $1.69 each.  The second one was fine and super delicious.  Fingers crossed on the third one.  

Yummy Pomegranate
Best scoot.  My cup needs refilling.  Ta-ta till the morrow.