Saturday, November 11, 2023

My boyfriend celebrated his birthday on Thursday.  We first sat out on the deck in the sunshine, reminiscing about his 40th birthday when 12" of snow fell.  Yup, and I had a party planned with heaps of food prepared.  That was the last big party I ever planned or wanted in my lifetime.  From then on, our celebrations have been just the two of we like it.  The weather be darned.

Then we drove to the river.  Combines and semis were crawling the cornfields, as farmers worked to get the corn harvested.  We who live in the Midwest understand the caution needed on the roadways this season.  I think we're all pretty much respectful of those who feed the world.  

Stopped in a thrift store and a couple others.  The boyfriend wanted to walk around Cabela's, and I chose to stay in the car with my book.  I'm simply not a girl who enjoys sporting stores or home improvement stores.  Just give me a book, and I don't mind how long I will wait.  This makes it easier for both of us.  The boyfriend didn't have to hurry, and I didn't have to fret.

While sitting in the car, I couldn't resist taking photos of the tree in front of our car.   

For the 9th of November, it was a glorious late autumn day.  On our way back home, we stopped for dinner in a small town restaurant.  Then back home.  It's always so good to collapse in our recliners after having a safe day trip.  

In a half hour we're leaving again.  Five of us from Venny are going to Rochester for lunch at Star Ocean Buffet.  Celebrating two birthdays.  Every piece of clothing on me is stretchy, so it's gonna be a zippety-doo-dah-day for me.  There are those in the world who eat like sparrows, but none of us are of that group.  

So we file more memories away and forge forward making new ones.  As a joke, I texted the driver this morning and asked him if I had to shower or if they had one of those little pine tree thingies to hang in the car.  He replied that they're planning to put me on top of the car.  That indicates what kind of a day this will be.

Till the morrow....ta-ta.  


  1. Happy belated Birthday to Dale!! 🥰 from Marty and Robin

  2. Happy Birthday Dale. I hope you were treated extra special on Thursday.

  3. Marty and Robin.....your birthday wish brought a big smile to Dale's face!

  4. Alice.....your birthday wish also brought a big smile to Dale's face!
