Friday, November 17, 2023

First, I thank those of you who reached out to me after yesterday's post.  It is all of you who shine light on what matters in life and what doesn't.  

The boyfriend and I watched the farm sale bidding via computer.  I took a photo of the closing bids and tracts sold so I could put it in my archives, let's say...

Total sale amount: 
One million, two hundred eleven thousand, two hundred fifty dollars
As of now, I don't know the names of the purchasers, only numbers.  I'm sure the human hot line will circulate it in my direction at some point.  

In a few minutes, a little Yorkie will be delivered to us to puppy sit today and then again tomorrow.  The timing reaches the skies of serendipity.  

The weather outdoors is November nice.  Our patio door is open just a titch to let fresh air inside.  The cool air feels divine.

Well, the 5-pound Buffy is here.  She definitely has puppy energy, is wiry and inquisitive.  Her daddy brought her in a carrier, along with a small backpack with toys, food and even water.  Right now she's more interested in our place than she is with us.  I'm going to keep a close eye on her as she noses around.  
