Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Once in a while a person just knows when one has screwed up.  Such was the case with yesterday's ceramic dog-painting adventure.  I bravely painted brown over the white, thinking I'd create a masterpiece.  Need I say, that was not the case.  

Before going to bed last night, I decided to immerse the ceramic screw-up in a bowl of hot water.  I tossed in a prayer that the paint would come off, and sure enough, it did.  The crazy part is that I bought the acrylic paint because it was advertised as waterproof.  So much for believing anything these days.

My intent was to continue painting today, but the water must've seeped through, and it's too wet for paint to adhere.  Or, so I think.  Maybe by tomorrow it'll be ready.  I just need to finish the project so I can move on to some other nonsensical attempt.

Guess that's been the high point of my day.  Spaghetti supper awaits.  This afternoon I spent time in Iran, following what one might call YT nomadic soap operas.  Gotta say I'm as hooked as my mom used to be with The Young and The Restless.  

We were gifted with a beautiful Christmas wreath for our deck.  Dale's cousin/sister makes them, and every year she delivers one for us to decorate with.  Neither of us has a sister, yet we're blessed with her loving kindness that fills that void.