Friday, November 24, 2023

Today is known as Black Friday.  I personally don't care for a day that puts so much focus on materialism.  Call me old-fashioned, that's okay.  

Tackled two projects.  I was given a box of junk jewelry for my crafting projects.  Sorted through all the pieces, tossed some and saved the rest.  Right now the saved beads are soaking in Dawn soap.  They'll stay soaking until tomorrow so they will be as clean as can be.  The next step is to lay them out on a towel to dry before putting them in with the rest of the beads.  My beads are divided then into different groupings, depending on color and whether they're wooden or plastic, silver or gold, and size.  I've definitely got more beads than sense!

The second project was something I've been wanting to try.  The boyfriend picked a few pine cones from the Venny lawn.  Inside the cones are the seeds, which I removed and planted in potting soil.  We'll see in about thirty days if any of the seeds sprout.  

The next thing I want to try is to plant a lemon seed.  Think it would be so cool to grow a lemon tree.  

Time of day now is dusk.  Our battery candles come on automatically this time of day.  They look so very real as the flame flickers.  

Tomorrow we're heading north to our nephew's home for noon Thanksgiving dinner.  We're taking a veggie pizza as our contribution to the celebration.  It's something I know they all like.  The plan was to cut up the veggies today, but think we'll wait until morning.  More and more I find myself crossing things off my do-today list and putting them on my do-tomorrow list.  

Temperature is 26 degrees outside now.   Brrrrrr.


  1. We like avocados. One year I tried growing an avocado tree. It took forever to sprout. I almost gave up. Then it grew into a spindly tall plant with two leaves. I finally got tired of nursing it and tossed it out. I'll never know if it would have had fruit or not. We had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with all three kiddos and 3 grandsons. Now I'm thankful it's over. A shame to wish time away like that but I do. I bad!

  2. Hey, we all wish time away. It's just how it is. I'm happy you had a family Thanksgiving dinner. As for the avocado, I think years ago I grew one, too. It must've ended up where yours did, cuz I sure never harvested anything from it!!!!!
