Sunday, November 26, 2023

 Tis looking a lot like Christmas where we live.  White rooftops, white sidewalks, white lawns, and our new deck flooring is feeling its first real snowfall.  For those of us winter lovers, this is what we need to lift our hearts and bow to a new season.  Mother Nature affords us a variety of scenes to look at through our windows.  

Seems the last few days we've not been able to remember what day it is.  Yesterday we had something unexpected come up out of the blue, something we needed to deal with, so we had to send regrets to the G-clan.  I had all the fixings for a veggie pizza, and I texted them saying the veggies will probably end up in a kettle of soup.  With my eating disorder, if there was a veggie pizza in the house.....well, I'd be a bit plumper.  I call it a disorder, because labels are popular these days.  Acronyms describe them, so I say I suffer from an ED because I OE.

Three geese flew above us a second ago.  Yesterday Dale spotted a buck with a very large rack out in the field to the east of us.  The rut is about over now, so we were lucky to see the buck.

We're going to decorate minimally for Christmas.  Truth be told, we just don't feel the need to invest a lot of our time lugging up boxes of ornaments from storage, putting a tree up, decorating it, and then in a few weeks go through the miserable task of dismantling it and putting it back into darkness.  Our two-foot ceramic tree will suffice.  It will sit in the patio window.  The boyfriend will string lights on the deck railing, tho.  That's something we enjoy as we look outside.  

I'd like to make something for our unit door...something made out of a recyclable something.  Have been looking online for ideas and found a couple.  Oh, I have beautiful stuff in storage, but the creative spirit in me wants to stay inspired.  I'll let you know what I decide.  The Venny unit owners decorate their alcoves, and it's just fun to see how we all have different decorations.  The entire Venny complex will be dolled up for the season.  It's very pretty here all seasons.

 We didn't have a meal planned for yesterday, cuz our plans were to go to our nephew's for dinner.  So, later in the afternoon Dale requested his favorite scalloped potatoes.  We didn't have ham, so we thawed out a package of weiners and cut those up instead.  I remember mom doing that when we were kids, and they're just as good.  He loves the way I make them with the real bechamel sauce with flour, butter and milk, salt and pepper.  

Today is expected to be a record-breaking travel day.  Cannot imagine the roadways crawling with cars, the airports packed with people waiting to board.  Waiting is something that no longer fits into my agenda.  Neither is being tucked in between crowds of people.  Our society has grown far less tolerant, and the most obnoxious are even being labeled with names.  Guess the bottom line is:  the hectic lifestyle is for the young.  We oldsters are best off out of their way.  Maybe it's more difficult for us who have lived the longest because we remember a time when manners and kindness were part of the social scene.  Nowadays, rudeness is part of the norm.  No thank you.  This, for sure, is the calmest and quietest and most content part of our years of living.  We each have our individual likes and dislikes, and some make it sound dysfunctional to stay at home.  Bah humbug to that noise.  Home is our shelter from all sorts of storms.....and I'm not talking about the weather!