Saturday, November 4, 2023

My days have been spent crocheting.  The six initial skeins of yarn have magically increased to eight, and today I shall begin the final eighth skein.  My reasoning for wanting to finish the project is simple.  I don't want the Big Bus to stop and pick me up and leave behind an unfinished task. 

At 6:30 p.m. this date the crochet throw is complete.  All that's left is weaving in the ends of yarn from where one skein connected with another.  Then I will fold it up, tie it with a ribbon, place the finished throw back into the tote bag, and wait to give it to the one who is so deserving of my time. 

Gave the boyfriend a haircut this afternoon.  We made a deal.  He'd make chili for supper if I gave him a haircut.  The boyfriend got a haircut, and I'm about to fill my bowl with his delicious chili.  Maybe even have second helpings.  Truth be told, I'm one who does indulge in seconds, only because my taste buds are so absolutely high functioning....they recognize delicious when they taste it!!!!!!!