Wednesday, November 29, 2023

As I look out the sliding doors, a tractor is plowing up the field across the street from Venny.  This most likely is the first step for the new rest home that will be built here, making this a campus for over-55 independent living, 8 double-condo independent senior living, and the rest home.  It's difficult to imagine ourselves in the age group that this complex aims to serve.  How blessed that we are situated for whatever our late years lay in our laps.  

There's a lot of "letting go" that goes along with growing older.  Lord knows, we've let go of our home, most of our accumulated possessions, and the result has been a huge sigh of relief.  Could not imagine having to go through all that a second time.

There are other factors that come with celebrating more birthdays.  For whatever reason, some of us become less necessary in the lives of those who once depended on us.  That's a tough "letting go," but it is what it is.  

As an update on the ceramic dog to be painted, the boyfriend put him in a low 175 degree oven this morning to dry out after it's overnight soak.  After I finish this post, I shall put the first coat of paint on the little thing.  My ability to procrastinate some days serves me in the negative.  Maybe it's another kind of "letting go" that I do.  I can easily "let go" of my personal expectations or to-do-today lists.  I'm pretty sure that every stage of life was planned out by Our Creator.  We always get what we need at the point where we're at.  The nicest part of being my age is not taking the daily routine too seriously.  I think it might be the gypsy spirit inside of me that makes me kind of a rebel rouser with social norms.  Life is more fun if we bounce outside the lines once in awhile.  

We're down to, I think, 26 days till Christmas.  The boyfriend bought a string of white lights and a string of red lights for the deck railing.  Think that'll be so pretty, especially when it snows.  

The sun is shining.  43 degrees now.  

The crock pot is busy making our supper.  Already the aroma of ham and bean soup is making me hungry.  The boyfriend enjoys a bowl of homemade soup, 'specially for the evening meal.  It's a comfort food this time of year.