Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Received a video text sent by Cuddy's parents from Crater Lake National Park in Oregon.  Talk about pristine.  Blue lake, blue sky, white snow-capped Cascade Mountain Range.  Our national parks are magnificent, even when we view them via video.  When we were kids, there wasn't such a thing as a cell phone to capture a panoramic view, press a button and send it back home so family and friends could see what we were seeing.  Lots of techy things that make life more interesting.  

The two of us have always enjoyed the lake waters of Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.  Lake water is so much cleaner than the rivers.  After we retired, we would spend the month of September at an Up North cabin in the woods, beside a beautiful lake.  The fishing was great fun.  At the time, we had our own boat.  So many forever memories that live on inside what I call the album of the mind.  Little Emma trekked along with us, which added a whole other level to our fun times.  Now, we're living with a spittin' image of her, except Cuddy is a little man.  

The boyfriend just left to get some groceries.  Cud and I are staying home, the patio door is open and the fresh air feels wonderful.  We're thinking about getting some different patio furniture.  Don't exactly know what we want.  Comfort will be the main component of our eventual choice.  

Am gonna start turning pages after I finish this post.  Doyle's stories are now about pirates.  Remember years ago reading a book about a female pirate.  She hid her pirate ship in a secluded cove and thus was able to appear out of nowhere to pillage and plunder other ships out on the seas.  It takes quite an author to write a story that sticks in one's memory after all the years. 

It's a beautiful sunny day.  So grateful for everything.