Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Our weather alert alarm went off two times last evening, with severe thunderstorm warnings sweeping through.  Must say that never before have I heard a constant roar of thunder and lightening that lasted for so long without a pause.  The rain gauge out here shows an inch and a half rain.  Later today temperatures are forecast to possibly get overly warm.  Right now all is cool, calm and cloudy.

Spent part of yesterday reading Conan Doyle's pirate stories, and my opinion of his non-Holmes writings is not positive.  Twice now he's incorporated the "wigglies" in his stories, and my phobia for them propels me to return the book without reading it.  BUT, there's the persistent part of me that doesn't give up, nor do I want to risk missing out on some hidden life lesson that may be tucked into and onto the pages.  

Despite his inclusion of these horrid creatures, I am gleaning quotations that are thought provoking.  For instance, he writes, "There's nothing that makes life so beautiful as when the shadow of death begins to fall across it.  Time is too precious to be dawdled away then, and a man lives every minute of it."

Doyle also writes, "I have seen so many strange turns of fate in my long life that I do not grieve nor do I rejoice until I know that I have cause."

So, I tell myself to keep turning the pages, cuz there's more for me to learn in the remaining 800 pages.  Plus, it's an excellent exercise in patience and perseverance.


  1. Yes, I guess so. I know I couldn't read it.
    Did I ever say a former co-worker gave me a book, 300 or so pages, one year for Christmas? I managed to finish it a year and half later.
    Kawandi awaits. I thought you might have been gathering, sorting, sifting through your velvet stash, locating your needles, possibly a thimble, a backing, batting, etc. I'm so enthusiastic I can hardly wait to see this project.
    Size doesn't matter - wall hanging, something for someplace you want color, large enough to cover your bed, a lap quilt. Your readers are anxious.
    Some storm sounds like went rumbling through.
    Another beautiful, sunny day here. Thankful. Tho we're down near freezing nightly, days are warming to 70's, 80's by week's end.

  2. Temps here today are forecast to be as high as 90s. Not my kind of temperatures. Thank the Lord for air conditioning. Remember as a kid the whole family shared one oscillating fan. Thinking back is a good way to realize just how good we have it today. Stay cool.
