Anyone beside me not want to go to the grocery store anymore? My heart goes out to the families and friends of yesterday's tragedy in Buffalo, NY. Real life is feeling more and more like the westerns we watched on our old Zenith TVs back in the 50's. Just imagine going to the store for a loaf of bread and never returning home because some lunatic felt like driving for miles so he could kill people. Talk about an insane world.
Despite all that goes on, we must maintain some sense of balance and safety for ourselves. There's always the thought that it can't happen to oneself....only to others. Oh, dear, I daresay that's not how our world works. Someone is spinning the wheel and when it lands on us, well, we'll be the focus of main stream media along with all the other unfortunate victims.
Cuddy will be going home tomorrow. Talked with his daddy yesterday, and we invited them over for supper and will return custody afterward. Want to hear about their trip.
Sewed a lot yesterday on the Kawandi wallhanging. Quilters are known to name their quilts, and it'll be interesting what christening will be like for this one. Like with all things, the more one practices, the better one gets. Already am finding myself having designs dance in my brain. Must say that my right thumb is numb.
Am gonna go shower and get spiffed up. A Venny friend is coming over this afternoon. The sun is out, the field next to us is planted, and our lawn looks like a lush green carpet. Birds flit on and off the deck rail, and all is good.