A couple days absent from posting, mainly cuz my brain has been involved in watching press conferences and updates on the horrors in Uvalde, Texas. Wrote a couple of posts, but erased 'em for obvious reasons.
Memorial Day weekend is here, and Cuddy got us up early for his morning walk. Now the three of us are having that first cuppa and could easily go back to bed. The boyfriend has a beautiful day planned with his auntie who's celebrating her 101st birthday. Cousins are going out for pizza with her, and I'm staying home with Cuddy. In my world, aunties are special.
When these horrific mass shootings occur, it's difficult for the rest of us not to reassess our own blessings and situations. Looking at those beautiful darlings who were taken from their families, the human spirit deflates to think that there are some among us who are so evil. Think of the irony in the word "evil" spelling "live" backwards. The whole world is affected by one person's actions. Just like Putin's actions affect all of us when we listen and watch the daily news reports. Goes to show that each of us has an influence on the world....on the lives of others. Our good actions reap good results, our bad actions have negative ripple effects, as well.
When the news media shows the photographs of the little Hispanic children, my heart bleeds. Those kiddies are the cutest children. They are an exceptionally beautiful people. It's ironic that two of the sweetest teachers went to heaven along with the kiddies. There's something quite special in that thought. The rest of us must look for the good in the evil so as to defeat it.
Sun is shining this morning, temperatures are to warm up. Outdoor graduation parties are the big events this weekend, and parents of the graduates are grateful for the nice weather. Cuddy and I are going to spend the day together. There's something inside urging us to turn up the volume on our loving others, people and pets. When one of us humans suffer, we all suffer. We have to look out for, and take care of, one another. Small acts of kindness are necessary now more than ever. Getting up in the morning presents us with problems we wouldn't have dreamed of twenty or thirty years ago. Our children are inheriting a world they don't deserve.
Thoughts are beginning to ramble. Please let's each of us whisper a mental prayer for those whose hearts are shattered. Maybe the power of prayer will have a positive effect on the Universe and radiate our love to all who share life at this moment. All creatures, great and small, need love and protection. Loving those close to us is a tremendous personal contribution to life.