My yesterday was a wonky one. Started out by me losing my first WORDLE game. The word of the day was HOMER, so it's no wonder. The defeat kinda set the pace for the rest of the hours till bedtime. Knowing the day felt sideways, I buried my brain in You Tube videos of faraway places that took my mind in a fresh direction, plus learned a bit more about our world.
The last video was about a couple's exploration of an abandoned castle in the English countryside. It had been occupied until the mid 1900s and then left to ruin. Love the ability to screen travel to places I'd never otherwise know about, nor would I visit.Also watched a young man who lives off the land in an Asian tropical forest. He builds his dwelling, fences and even makes his brooms out of banana leaves and harvests rice fields by hand. He has a pet bird that sits on his shoulder and goes out into the jungle with him. May I say some days he walks barefoot where no one in their right mind would walk barefoot-----according to me. He has a dog and raises pigs and chickens. I get so 'into' the lives of these unknown individuals, that they begin to feel like family. What a fantastic late-life way to occupy the mind when the world feels out of sync.Today am feeling better. Sometimes a person simply has to get from one day to the next in order to get back on track. Am sitting here now admiring our beautifully healthy Miss Mabel, the Christmas Cactus. Have two petals starting in another little clay pot. If successful, am going to start more just for the fun of it. None of my fingers are green, so this is big in my world. Still swear by watering them with the onion skin juice I wrote about awhile back. Want to give a couple of the newly started plants to special someones.
Today's temperature is perfect for having the patio door open a bit. The cool air refreshes every breath. My recliner sits close to it, so am lucky to be able to cool off my perpetual furnace-like body temperature.
My brain is hatching an idea for another of my big projects, but haven't mentioned a word about it. Am kinda "beaded" out for a bit now and am getting itchy to do some hand-sewing again. With the warmer weather coming, it'll be perfect to sit on the deck and stitch away. Just have to figure out exactly what to make. Have scads of leftover velvet fabric from the crazy-quilt wallhanging. Absolutely adore working with velvet, so that just might be the embryo of what's to come.
The wee one is snoozing in his beddie, the boyfriend is reading the online newspaper, and I think it's time for me to bury my nose in a story that's started. This is Mother's Day weekend, which really has no meaning for us anymore. We are going to spend Sunday with the G-clan, and we're looking forward to that. Have a puppy-sitter lined up for the wee one, so all's good to go. Ta-ta for today.