Thursday, May 12, 2022

 Instead of my retirement recliner being surrounded by colored beads, everywhere I look there's either a thread or a tiny piece of fabric that's frayed off a larger piece.  Creating and designing are a messy business.  Not for the neat of heart, that's for sure.  

Will be tossing the short pieces of thread off the balcony for the birds to use for their nest making.  Can picture a tiny round nest of twigs interspersed with bright green embroidery threads.  

Boy, sure is another sizzler out there today.  The boys took a morning walk to the garden and the new condo site next to Venny.  Have asked them to stay indoors where the air conditioning is comfortably cool.  In the 90s predicted.  

My project progresses.  First round complete.  Now am stitching the second row, before the designing begins.  Today will go through the velvet stash and decide which ones to include.  Watched a few of Margaret Fabrizio's videos, and she tells how the Siddi people put the most unlikely fabrics next to one another.....and that's what makes them pop when finished.  All of the velvet pieces in my first round are solid colors, so will now have to search for texture and prints.  Every part of the designing process is in itself a fun challenge.  It's not difficult for me to think outside the box anymore.  It's actually the way I tackle something new to me.  What the's mine so it can be however I want.....that's what makes creating so fun.  If all art was the same, there'd be nothing to admire or critique.  

One thing I struggle with is not ordering more velvet on eBay.  I keep telling myself to only use what's already within our walls and let it be.  So far have managed to discipline myself in that regard.  That in itself is another challenge.

Got a text from Cuddy's mommie last night.  They were staying at the Bellagio in Vegas.  Man alive, what amazingly beautiful photos they shared.  They'll be heading home soon, picking Cuddy up somewhere around the 15th.  Am getting myself mentally prepared for the separation anxiety to fall on me like a dark cloud.

The piece of our Christmas cactus that broke off is now pushing out a new segment in a little clay pot of its own.  That means I'll have Mabel I and Mabel II.  In the same pot, I put one segment in the soil to see if it'll take off and grow into its own plant.  

Today will be another low key fuss and putz kinda day.  Am watching a skinny young chick walk by Venny, dressed in a pair of short shorts and tank top.  Aah, the differences between age groups.  All I gotta say is.....go girl!


  1. We stayed at the Bellagio when we were in Las Vegas, which was only on New Year's Eve. Lovely and the foutains were a delight to watch.
    Mabel I and Mabel II - I like that.
    I have been spending the day looking at fabrics. I thought I'd like all Batiks and still would but the fabric looks thick and heavy. I'm now looking for cotton scraps. I think I'd like to attempt a lap size quilt or crib size. Crazy? Maybe! I'm only going through this way once and haven't much to lose if it doesn't work out.

  2. I say go for it, girlfriend. Heck, there is nothing to lose. Plus, you just might surprise yourself. Working with the velvet is, I'm finding, difficult. Am already using a craft pliers to push the needle through the layers. Drat. Am already thinking ahead to my next attempt, which will be all, or mostly, cotton prints. The authentic Kawandis are a mass of mish-mashed colors, and that's that gives them their own identity. The velvets are too regal for this type of fabric construction. Lord knows what I'll end up with. It's fun having someone to share thoughts about this with. (Dancing through my head is the advice "Never end a sentence with a preposition." )

  3. I'm delighted we will be trying this at the same time. You are my inspiration. May God bless you! We'll have, let's see, a regular KQAL. If several get together and knit the same project, in the same color yarn or not, it's called a KAL. We'll have a Kawandi Quilt Along.
