Friday, May 13, 2022

Well, well, it's Friday the 13th.  Wonder what awaits.

Watched a video yesterday about a 94-year-old Japanese lady.  The content was about a certain kind of food she prepares and sells.  At her age, she gets all covered up and walks into the jungle to pick bamboo leaves.  Her son bought her a pair of red boots, and she thinks the reason is if something happens to her, they'll be able to find her easier if she's wearing red boots.  The woman is a hoot.

Anyway, the video ends with her long-life advice:  "Accept that you cant know, and good things will happen."

Those words are wonderful mental fodder to chew on.  All of us search for answers to life, knowing darned well we aren't allowed the answers.  It's that business of simply accepting that one cannot know....and, so, don't bang the head against the cement trying.  

Does that makes any sense the way it's written?  Her words are good for me, cuz I'm one who wants to know the answers.  My head is badly bruised and scarred from banging my head on rocks, trying to find the answer to life...the why are we here kinda stuff.  Why are we here for such a short time?  It's like we're baited with a big worm and just when we get it close to our mouth, the worm is yanked away forever.  Makes no sense.

Then there's the business of after-life.  The closer to it one gets, the more doubt enters the brain.  Now, I'm going to train myself to simply realize I can't ever know and not think about it.  It's either gonna be something splendid or like being sound asleep.  Either one suits me fine.

It's a sunshiny day.  The underground garage is being cleaned, so all the cars are out in the parking lot.  The lawn's been mowed, but it's been too wet to go in the garden.  One of the avid gardeners is out this morning pulling weeks.  Am happy she has a garden to tend to, especially if she's used to having one.  

I see there's a bee buzzing around the deck.  Cuddy loves to sit out on the deck, but not for long.  He puts his little foot up against the screen when he's had enough fresh warm air.  Am sure the sunshine feels good to him.

Back to Friday the 13th.  Just realized something.  I was born on a Friday, the 26th day of the month.  That's double 13.  Holy Moses, no wonder my life is such a roller-coaster ride.  After all these years, never put 13 and 13 together!