Sunday, May 8, 2022

Drat.  Double Drat.  For the second time, Wordle bested me.  Grrrrr.  Boo hiss.  Oh, well, must move forward with the day.

We're up early.  The siren was set for 6:30, but the snooze button saved me from immediately getting up.  There was a fuzzy little one snuggled close to me, which makes it doubly difficult to get out from beneath the cuddle quilts.  He's going today to his puppy-sitters here at Venny while we trolley up to be with the G-clan.  Weather radar shows a storm front coming straight our way.  This little girl doesn't care to travel when there's inclement weather.  It's the crazies that don't know what defensive driving is all about.  Has anyone else noticed an offensive approach to life these days?  

The grape jelly is out on the Oriole buffet.  Haven't seen a hummingbird yet, but their feeder is on the counter, waiting to be spring cleaned and hung out on our deck railing.  

Made a huge online discovery yesterday.  Mentioned it to Tall Cottage via text.  It's the Kawandi style of quiltmaking by the Siddi people, descendants of the Bantu people of Southeast Afrida and who now live predominantly in the states of Karnataka and Gujarat, India.  The quilts are started from the outside and worked in toward the center.  They're made of scrap fabrics.  They come together through the eyes of the quilt maker, putting pieces of fabric and stitching it.  For sure, this will be my next project, but must do a bit more research before actually starting.  I like the premise of creating the quilt piece by piece, rather than modern quilting where pieces are cut out for a particular design.  The kawandi style is more boho, design as you go, which is what I like.    

How the quilts are hand-stitched

Don't have a clue how and why I find stuff like this online.  All who know me well, know that I flake out over giving new life to old discarded stuff.  Buying a certain fabric to make a popular pattern does not interest me at all.  But, let me say that I admire and have deep respect for those with those capabilities.  My style has to stay simple and boho.  Plus, there's a drawer filled with pieces of velvet fabric left from when I made the crazy quilt and the Suffolk Puff a/k/a YoYo wallhanging.  What an ideal way to use this fabric and see what my dizzy brain can put together.  Am a gypsy through and through.  The more I think about this, the more excited I get and can actually feel an acceleration of my heartbeat.  

The boyfriend wants me to get my butt in the shower and get my silly self ready to be with his family today.  We almost ended up in the divorce court after I sent him to the store for two packages of chopped cabbage to make an Oriental Cole Slaw with ramen noodles.  Instead, he brings home two measly packages of a chopped lettuce mix of some kind.  Talk about an acceleration of blood flow.......that's why I'm a proponent of ordering groceries online.....cuz I know I'll get what I ask for.  Lord help us.  Good thing we're old enough to realize that a bag of lettuce really doesn't warrant a marital separation at this stage of the chess game.  Just to make it clear, I drive him crazier than he drives me.  Just sayin'  (giggling)

Coolish out.  Don't have any idea what to wear.  Am a sweatshirt kinda girl and being we're gathering in a upscale garage, that might be the way to roll today.  Am always harboring a hot body temperature, even in cold weather.  Gotta go.  Ta-ta.


  1. I am eagerly looking forward to your new Kawandi quilting project. I think it's exciting and because of the way you happened upon it, boho and all, it's meant for you to do. It's going to be gorgeous.
    Beautiful spring day here and warmest we've had. Leaves, in their various shades of greens, are popping out. Lilacs are budded as are our tulips.
    No hummingbirds here yet.
    I did get Wordle but it seemed uncanny to me.

  2. I just whipped up some sweet water for the hummers. Should be cool by now but need to get my feeder out. Had a slew (9, that's a slew) of Orioles at the grape jelly feeder this morning. Watched them through the kitchen window for over an hour. Stood there with my cup of coffee and my phone taking pictures. Just wish I could zoom in and get better snap shots of them. So many pretty birds. They must of known it was Mother's Day and were treating me. Not a nice day but the rain is good for the gardens and flowers. Cedar Falls is doing a "no mow May" so thought we'd help with the cause but don't think I can make it through the end of the month. Lawn looks bad. We will need a bailer.

  3. Alice, I envy you with your orioles. How nice.

  4. Tall Cottage.......ah, yes, I'm hooked on Kawandi. Have to start somewhere, so today will gather up what I need to start. Watched a few tutorials by the woman who went to be with the Siddi people in India. Fascinating.

    Had to giggle about your "uncanny" closing comment!

  5. Alice......Yowza, about the nine orioles. That's amazing. Think it was a special Mother's Day visit. Sweet.
