Saturday, May 21, 2022

 The Orioles are hungry this morning, their orange presence helps brighten another overcast chilly morning.  The sun is trying its best to come out, maybe in a while.  Things are back to normal at our house, now that Cuddy is back for a two-week stay.  

Got my first Covid booster, and as predicted, arm is sore.  Feels like someone shot me in the wing.  The nurse told me to drink lots of water next few days.  There was a gentleman ahead of me, and he was telling how he reacted to his last shot and ended up in the ER.  Guess he hadn't consumed any water and was dehydrated.  Was a nice surprise when one of my girlfriends was the nurse giving the shots.  Hadn't seen each other in a long time, so we shared a tight squeeze.  Bless those who care for and about us.

Stopped at the thrift store, bought myself a couple t-shirts and a really neat raglan sleeve top for fall.  Two bracelets for beading projects and four high ball glasses.  That was about it.  Gotta say that I wanted to get an artificial tree for the deck, but the boyfriend thought it might blow away.  Makes sense, but think we could've secured it to the railing.  

Went for lunch to a Chinese restaurant, where we dined on their buffet.  Just crave Chinese once in awhile.  Stopped at U.S. Cell to get the scoop on upgrading our Iphones from 10s to 13s.    The "deal" expires first part of June.  Pretty sure we will.  

We're invited out for din-din tomorrow at our Venny friends.  Was sweet how they invited "the 3 of you."  Cuddy's counted right in along with us.  Looking forward to good food and giggles galore....both good for the soul.  

Today is gonna be a kick back, with no have-tos.  Have the patio door open a titch, and the air is quite chilly, but feels good to a portable furnace like me.  Stay safe and secure in this lopsided world.