Would imagine mothers world over are awaiting cards and loving words, flower bouquets, blooming plants, jewelry, other gifts from their children. My hope is that all the mothers who are reading this will pat yourselves on the back for a truly admirable job of being a mother, raising a child or children. Cannot fathom what it would've been like to be a mother and maintain an out-of-the-home job, in addition. I was barely able to manage the job. Kudos to you mothers!
Can't help but wonder what a kid of mine would've been like. What would he/she have looked like? Would he/she have resembled the boyfriend, me, or a combo of the two. There are blessings to having children, but, may I be so bold as to say, there are blessings in not having children.
Tonight's the 148th Kentucky Derby. Lot of pomp and circumstance to the race, the way the ladies dress, their big hats. The Derby is an opportunity for ladies to express their inner Southern Belle. The hats may be decorated with bows and ribbons, feathers and flowers, any color that expresses individual creativity.
Remember as a teenager how hats were in style. Wearing a snazzy hat to church on Sunday was a thing. One time I bought myself a beautiful indigo blue hat with feathers at a store downtown. Church was the only place to wear hats back then. The English "fascinators" worn by royalty are fascinating to me.
Tonight we remember our moms.....the two ladies we cared for in their late years. They went with us wherever we went. Our car was called "the mother bus." Lots of stories to tell, some funny and some not so funny, but all filled with love and respect. With love and respect, what relationship isn't like a bouquet of beautiful flowers?