Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Just as I anticipated......yup, managed to postpone my scheduled eye exam, my scheduled doctor and dentist appointments.  The genes of my mother are to blame for my not wanting to go for medical appointments when there's no problem.  It's a different story when there is a definite problem that needs attention.   Mom was that way, and I learned well from her example.  It's fun to identify ourselves with one or the other of our parents.  There are parts of me that were definitely inherited from my paternal side and equally from my maternal.  

Had another of my movie marathon days yesterday.  Watched two movies from the 1990s...IN AND OUT and THE FIRST WIVES CLUB starring Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton.  Three amazingly funny actresses.  Then got tangled up in Hallmark movies until Cuddy insisted on going to bed after midnight.  Munched on leftover pizza from our party the night before.  The six of us hadn't been together for two years because of Covid, so it was especially fun to get caught up on life.   

Boyfriend is going to the Venny general meeting at 10, and I'm staying back with Cuddy.  We're gonna kick back and cuddle, while I keep turning the pages of Conan Doyle's book of short stories.  Tis another rainy, dreary day outdoors, an ideal day for arthritis to flare.  Doesn't seem possible that the weather can make such a difference in our pain levels.  "The barometric pressure is the weight of the air around us.  In good weather, barometric pressure is high.  This pressure pushes against the body from the outside, helping to keep tissues, including the tissues that surround our joints from expanding.  In bad or stormy weather, barometric pressure drops so that there is less pressure to push against the body.  This allows tissues around the joints to expand, putting pressure on the joints and increasing pain." 

These slow rains are wonderful for the soil.  We are blessed here, when in other places the ground is cracking for lack of rain or flooding waters destruct and destroy everything in their path.   

A crockpot of ham and bean soup is bubbling away on the kitchen counter.  That's for tonight's supper.  Nothin' like a bowl of hot soup on a cold rainy day.