Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Late-day post.  Slept later than when Cuddy is here.  He's the one who gets us up so he can take care of his personal business.  His parents came over for supper last night, and about 11 o'clock they left with Cuddy, his beddie and toys.  Their schedule has changed, and he'll be returning this Friday evening at 5 o'clock for another 2-week stay.  Hurray!

Spent today reading and sewing.  "The Overstory" has inspired me to create a second Kawandi wallhanging with a "tree" theme.  Have trees inspired some part of your life and how?  In my world, trees are revered and always have been.  The modern-day trend is to cut down all trees that are in the way of a planted field of corn or other crop that can generate a dollar.  There's a great part of me that clings to the creation story and the day the plant kingdom was created for our good.  Where to find fabric prints of trees?  S'pose eBay is my saving grace.

Boyfriend planted the last of our garden today.  Tomorrow he and his Venny buddy are going for a countryside drive.  My tomorrow's itinerary will mimic today's.  Friday the boyfriend has a routine doctor appointment, and I will get my first Covid booster.  Seems the coronavirus is appearing again, one of the Venny gals has it, as I understand.  My interaction with others is limited, but want to be as protected as possible.

Boyfriend bought chicken from HiVee today, so that's supper with leftover cheesy potatoes from last night's party.  Crazy thing was that I online ordered two bags of hashbrowns, but ordered small bags.  Wanted to make more, so took a bag of tater-tots out of the freezer, thawed 'em, and crumbled 'em up along with the hashbrowns.  They say that inventions are the result of mistakes.  Put green onions, salt, pepper, 2 cans cream of cheddar soup and sour cream, a titch of butter, and they were delish.  The seasoned tater tots gave the dish an extra level flavor.  Wouldn't hesitate to repeat the recipe.

Cuddy's parents brought crisp and ice cream.  We put the crisp in the oven to serve it warm.  OMG.  Talk about a tummy tamer!  We had so much fun, but sending Cuddy back home with 'em was the hard part. The boyfriend keeps telling me he'll be back day after tomorrow.  

So the day will soon close.  So much to be grateful for, so many dear ones to cherish.  Ta-ta.  

1 comment:

  1. It's sad here re: trees. We've both commented we've never seen or heard of so many trees being cut down as there has been this season. Some, granted, needed to come down due to storms. My daughter lost four for that reason. Some had died. I understand that, too. Some in the village, some in the country.
    A portion of our three-way birch was lowered so much due to our last heavy, dense snowstorm, our neighbors had a little trouble driving through the branches to get out of their drive to go to work. So that part had to go. Poor birdies didn't know what to do.
    We've had our 1st boosters but not our second. The Mr.'s didn't bother him at all. Me, I didn't feel so hot and all I wanted to do is sleep. Sleep, I did, For nearly 17 hours. He kept checking on me. Pharmacist informed us it was a good thing and meant it was working.
    Cheesy recipe sounds tasty.
