Saturday, April 30, 2022

Goodness, here it is later in the day than usual for my post.  Rainy day, stayed at home reading, working online puzzles, boyfriend watched Saturday racing, and now it's evening and the telly has nothing to offer us.  About the only programs that we end up watching are the ones related to food.  

The little man has eaten his supper and is snuggled in for the evening.  We're recycling last night's stir-fry by adding more rice, soy and terriyaki sauces.  Tomorrow evening we're having dear friends over for a pizza get-together, a long overdue visit.  It warms our hearts knowing the six of us 'long-time friends' will be getting together.  

The quotation, "I am going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday" (Chip Gaiens) could easily be my mantra.  There's something about Saturday that has always made me feel like it's time for fun, time to do things we enjoy the most......there's a sacredness to Saturday.  After all, it is Sunday Eve.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Just finished cutting up vegetables for a stir-fry supper in the electric wok.  No meat included this time.  Will serve over rice.  Had cabbage, onion, garlic, carrots, celery, and brocolli, along with a packet of stir fry sauce.  Once in awhile we get hungry for Chinese and this way we won't overeat like we do in a buffet restaurant.  Have a recipe for Mongolian Beef that will be my next attempt.

Boyfriend spent most of the day working in the Venny garden getting new raised beds filled with dirt.  Soon will be time to plant....cannot wait for fresh veggies.  More and more people are planting gardens this year cuz of grocery prices.  

So much chatter about supposed food shortages on the horizon.  Nothing would surprise me, but am not going to get myself in a premature frazzle.  My concern lies with those who weren't raised by Depression-Era parents.  Think probably that was one of our generation's finest gifts....we learned how to do without, we learned to make do with what we had, we wore hand-me-downs, we ate food that was put on our plates, we watched our parents work hard and wanted to help them.  Cannot get my brain wrapped around the humungous change in 75 years.  

Rained a few drops around 5 o'clock.  Dale took Cuddy out for his 5 o'clock walk and now he's good till 10:30 tonight.  Got a text message and picture from Cuddy's mom and dad.  They're in Vegas tonight before driving off to visit the national parks out west.  I'm traveling along with them through their photos.  Am content to now travel through videos, vlogs of younger ones taking on the world.  

Heard tonight that a human has contracted the bird flu that's now causing havoc to our poultry industry.  Didn't realize humans could get it.  Seems it's one disaster after another the last couple of years.  Then there's the business of there truth to anything?  anywhere?  

Have decided that I'm not so keen on Conan Doyle's other writings besides his Sherlock Holmes stories.  Some of his writings, I find, include bits of animal cruelty.  For me, personally, that's a turn-off simply because it upsets me.  Am pleased to have Doyle's genres to compare.  Have only 1,000 pages to go.  So much more enjoyed the Holmes and Watson mystery stories.

Tis cold out today.  Nice evening to cuddle in.  Ta-ta.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


In Christianity, the Last Supper took place on Thursday.

Christ was said to have ascended into Heaven on Thursday.

America declared its independence on a Thursday.  The Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  On that day, the USA fully broke away from the British Empire as a free and independent country of its own.

In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Life never ceases to surprise me.......while sitting here wondering what on earth to write about today, an email magically appears with a sweet topic for the day.  Thank you, Robin, for the picture of your precious fur baby....

One thing for sure, cats are masters of relaxation, while we humans are struggling students of relaxation.  Cats know how and where to kick back, embrace the moment and not overthink things.  There's a saying that overthinking is best known for creating problems that aren't really there.  

Isn't it interesting that our pets know how to live........yet, we two-leggers consider ourselves the dominant species?   Drat to that, says the cat.     

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Was so sweet this morning to see a fluffy robin sitting on our deck railing.  He ruffled his feathers and flew away.

We hung the old key frame this morning, and, as promised, here's a photo....

Took a closeup of the door plate and brass knob.....

The entire picture is made of discarded items.  Dale found the framed and matted picture in a thrift store for $1.50.  Took the glass off and made a wooden backing.  The door knob was ordered on eBay, as was the door plate.  It was Dale's idea to put the key in the key hole, and I personally think that was the icing on the cake.  The keys were given to me by my Venny friend.  It's amazing what a person can put together with stuff others pass on.  The strong glue Dale had down in the workshop.  Couldn't have done this without his help, that's for sure.  That's the nice part of doing something with another person......the more ideas, the better the end result.  That's how I feel.

The little white man is back to stay until mid-May.  He's handsome, wearing a neck bandana given to him by his groomer yesterday.  The boyfriend is down the hall in the conference room at a council meeting, and I've already set tonight's dinner table, put the salad together and took the Pepperidge cake out of the box.  

Am giving my Agatha Christie books to the Venny Library, which is down the hall from us.  Silly for me to keep 'em when others can enjoy 'em.  

Best get crackin' in the kitchen.  My method of madness is doing things in small increments.  Remember Mom doing that when she was older.  Now can understand why.  

Monday, April 25, 2022

Took a couple days sabbitcal.  Together, the boyfriend and I finished putting together the old-key project, and tomorrow's blog will have a photo.  The glue is drying, and we want to give it ample time to dry well before hanging it up on the livingroom wall.   Stay tuned.

Cuddy left yesterday for a 2-day break.  His daddy picked him up so he could take him for a haircut today.  Cuddy will return tomorrow looking like a skinned rabbit for the warmer weather.  Bichons get too warm when their hair isn't kept short.  Comfort's the main thing for the puppy's sake.  He'll stay with us for a couple of weeks.  It's the boyfriend who's in charge of the necessary outside business.  It's not that I won't do it, but the boyfriend doesn't want me going outside and falling or being abducted by a Martian.  He's a Protector.  Plus, he and Cuddy have their routine down to where they know what they're doing.  Kind of a guy thing.

We're having guests over for supper tomorrow night.  Venny friends.  Will be eight of us here for drinks, appetizers and supper.  Placed an online order at our local Fareway Store for an 11 o'clock pickup time this morning.  Man alive, groceries are expensive.  While placing the order, I changed the menu about three times just because of the prices.  At our age, it's also necessary to sometimes buy storebought rather than homemade.  Some stuff costs more to buy the ingredients than to simply buy ready-made.  Then, there's the time factor.  

Another gloomy day out there, but the sun is trying to peek through the clouds.  Quite chilly.  We have the usual cleaning before company comes.  Our table doesn't have room to seat eight, so a card table will be necessary to set up to it.  Want everyone sitting at the same table so we can visit easily.  We love entertaining and am glad that life's getting back to where it was before the pandemic.  I still haven't gotten my booster shot, and the boyfriend is on me to get that done.....soon.  

Yes, as said before, have morphed into a procrastinator.  Proof positive that miracles do happen.  Talk about a life U-turn.  So many days the boyfriend laughs when I say, "Nah, let's wait till tomorrow."

Nuthin' too exciting going on, other than it's Monday once again.  Have a few things on our agenda this week.  One is an optometrist appointment for myself.  Have a routine medical doctor appointment first week in May, but already the procrastinator in me is stirring the pot of thoughts that maybe I should cancel it and set it for a later date.  Seems so stupid to go to the doctor when one is feeling fine.  It's about blood tests and watching numbers.  Love my young doctor to pieces, but it's just the business of dreading going to the clinic, being weighed, height measured, all the questions asked, the asking about one's mental health and if there are suicidal tendencies....that sort of stuff.  Dislike waiting for the doctor, too.  Maybe I'll wait until after June when he's decided to no longer be a baby doctor.  It's been my good fortune to have a baby take priority over my appointment.  A person goes through all the preparation, mentally and physically, to get the appointment over with.....then sit there and wait and wait, break out in a sweat, until the nurse comes in to say the doctor won't see me today cuz he's delivering a baby.  That's when my blood pressure soars, anxiety sets in, hurting someone seems a viable option, and I end up feeling a hundred times worse than when I left home.

How much you wanna bet I'll end up canceling and rescheduling for maybe August or September.  Maybe his schedule is full till November.  Or December.  

Friday, April 22, 2022

Rainy Friday morning.  Deck is wet, tiny drops of water roll down the patio door, and we're in our new word discovery from one of Conan Doyle's stories.  The earth welcomes a nice slow rain, the kind that serves to make the grass grow and turn green.  

Have made headway on my vintage key project.  The brass door knob arrived in the mail.  Had absolutely no idea how to incorporate it into the picture frame.  Good thing there's a genius in the house.  Yup, the boyfriend took the door knob down to the workshop, sawed off part of it, used high-powered glue to fasten it to the brass plate, and solved the how-to-do-it problem.  Won't be long and another home-made design will be on our livingroom wall.  

Sat out on the deck last evening, sipping a toddy, reading my new book "The Secret."  Cuddy sat in his own chair beside me.  Was trying to decide where we can hang a hummingbird house.  Just this last week realized that hummingbirds will settle in little houses while they're here over the summer.  Always wondered where the little winged ones make their nests.  Gave up on attracting the wrens.  The person below us gets wrens in her house, and would suppose it's jealousy on my part that causes the naughty thoughts to swirl around in my brain.  If we could host hummingbirds, that'd be so cool.  Wonder if they would have baby hummingbirds and wonder how tiny they'd be.  A h-bird house will be my next acquisition.  

Have a big bunch of beads and freshly cleaned vintage jewelry drying on a towel.  Some of the beads are so tiny, think they'll probably be tossed.  At this stage of the party, am not going to struggle to stick a needle through a bead that's teeny-weeny-tiny.  The elastic on my patience stretches only so far.  

The boyfriend left about 7 o'clock to buy groceries.  We were up early, only because the fuzzy one needed to go outside at 6:30.  My intention was to go back to bed, but the little twerp had a different idea.  Lord knows, he's the boss around this joint.  

Till the morrow.....ta-ta.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Sounds like warmer temperatures will start up today.  The patio door is open a few inches, and the fresh air feels refreshingly cool.  Cuddy needed to go outside at 7, so we're up earlier than usual.  He's already been out on the deck, where he loves to walk and sprawl out and soak up Vitamin D, the 'sunshine vitamin.'  

A small unopened box is sitting on the kitchen counter.  Inside is the door knob that  I ordered on eBay to complete the project with vintage keys.  Don't ask how one fastens a door knob on a picture.....think maybe I didn't think this through enough.  Just thought a brass plate and door knob would be ideal.  All I've successfully done is create myself a problem that now needs solving.  We humans are good at doing that.  Today my plan is to play with the layout.  The deciding factor is the size of the frame.  

The boyfriend will be working in the Venny garden today.  Gardening was never my forte, so have nothing to contribute and would only be in the way.  Guess they've brought in a few local master gardeners to help situate the new dirt and put the raised beds in place.  Even if I wanted to help, the arthritis in my lower back tells me not to.  Took three Advil when I got up, so should be getting relief here pretty soon.  My trusty Advils....the only pain reliever that helps this girl.  

Had a kettle of chili for supper last night.  Like always, had a second helping.  Drat.  Don't know if I'll ever be able to conquer my superior taste buds.  When they like something, they love it and want more of it.  It's all their fault.

Can't think of anything newsy.  Spent yesterday with my nose in Conan Doyle's writings.  Oh, learned a sweet new word.  Snuggery.  Told Cuddy about the new word and from now on when he's here visiting, we'll call it the snuggery.  That's what's enjoyable about reading books written in another era.....the authors use words that have been put to rest.  Our language is constantly changing.  Notice how we talk differently than when we were kids.  Don't think my daddy would understand if I told him, "Hey, daddy, my mouse doesn't work."

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Guess who's returning this morning at 9 o'clock?  Yuppers, little Fuddy Duddy Cuddy Buddy.  His stay will be for about a week and a half, maybe two.  Absolutely cannot wait for the little guy to get back into his "our house" routine.  

Watched some stand-up comedy on YT last evening.  Not the raunchy kind, but down-to-earth funny stuff about life and how life relates to all of us in the same way.  The funniest are the things that we can all relate to, like being overweight.  Leanne Morgan and Karen Morgan are good.  Don't know if they're related.  Almost looks like they could be sisters. 

Took apart jewelry and have it soaking in soapy water.  Old jewelry comes with its lifeitme of what I call grease, grime and gopher guts.  One necklace was so old that the thread the beads were strung on was yellowish-brownish-oldish.  When I get done with the beads, they're bright spankin' clean.  

Ordered a couple more vintage filigree pins to make more suncatchers.  Also put in a $4 plus postage offer that was accepted for a 2-pound box of tangled jewelry.  The eBay photos show some neat beads that'll work for my designs.  It's the postage that costs the most.  Gotta be careful to watch what they charge for shipping.  If it's too high, I do not bid.  

Best make this short.  Want to shower and get presentable for the little man.   It's a cuddle kinda day, gloomy and dark.  Maybe read, with that fuzzy little pumpkin close beside me.     

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Country schools still stand in the rural areas, and I can't help but think about the days when little farm kids learned their reading, writing and 'rithmetic in these one-room structures. 

Drove past this particular one on Easter Sunday.  It's unique corner door and steps is what caught my eye.   Most of the old school houses out here have the doorway in the front center.We passed by the school on our way and took these pictures on our way home.  Always on the lookout for the different and unique leftovers from another generation.

Mom went to country school when she was a little girl.  She and her younger brother lived 2 miles from the school. 

Sometimes she'd ride a pony, other times they'd walk.   

Mom told me about the wood stove that heated the little school.  In the winter, her teacher would sometimes bring milk and potatoes and make the kids soup on the wood stove.  Mom was a grown mother when I heard her say, 'That  was the best potato soup I ever ate to this day."  

This shows the value of sharing stories with younger generations.  Never know how much they're listening and how much of that information they'll carry with them throughout their life journey.  

Monday, April 18, 2022

The 10" x 10" wiggly crochet project is complete, now serving as a table centerpiece.  Gotta say, whoever came up with the pattern, was one clever person.  Caught myself putting stitches in the wrong place maybe four times.  Fortunately, the discoveries didn't require alot of ripping.  A learning experience....the second one will be easier.  Want to make one where each row will be a different color.  Will need to order more Sugar & Cream thread, in colors.  

Had one of my marathon movie days yesterday.  Watched all six episodes of Close & True, a British legal drama mini-series.  Was the ideal way to spend a quiet Easter Sunday while the boyfriend watched car racing on the telly.  

Don't have a game plan for the coming hours, but do want to fit in reading of Conan Doyle's "Tales of the Ring."  An intriguing title that refers to a boxing ring.  The book is made up of seven stories, 1,202 pages.  A couple days ago I won the eBay bid on "The Secret."  Tracked the shipping, and the book was in Louisiana last night.  My winning bid was $1.75, shipping $3+.  That one won't have so many pages, but hopefully its content will impart some life knowledge.  

Once again have a mess around my retirement recliner.  Goes with the territory.  Have old jewelry waiting to be taken apart and cleaned, so just might tackle that today.  With every new acquisition I try to toss some other thing so stuff doesn't take over.  Some of the videos I watch are of people prepping and buying stuff like crazy.  Their homes fill up and stuff takes on a life of its own.  One thing for sure, my hobbies have a life of their own, and if I don't keep 'em in check, I get nothing else accomplished.  When Our Creator put me together, he tossed in a very small portion of domesticity and second helpings of playful creativity.  The other day when we drove some fifty miles to our Easter celebration, I about went nuts with nothing to do with my hands.  The boyfriend politely asked me not to drag anything along and give myself a rest.  So, I twiddled my thumbs.  (There's an old-fashioned word...twiddle.)  Don't think people twiddle much anymore.

Thirty-degree dismal day.  Spring is having a tough time arriving to stay.  She kinda peeks herself around the corner, then ducks back around, like she's teasing us.  Guess it's how the Universe teaches the virtue of Patience.  Actually, the weather matters not to me anymore.  So long as I can be indoors looking out, just don't mind the non-destructive storms, cloudy days, anymore than the sunny days.  My comfort zone is cool, so 90-degree days I hunker in where the AC keeps me comfy.  Aging is okay in that regard.  No need to rush around in circles trying to conquer a world that can't be conquered.  No need to prove oneself.  We've done the bit, and now tis time to relax.  The best advice is to Go With the sitting in a teacup and floating down the river of life through the good, the bad and the ugly.  


Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Our Easter dinner yesterday at Dale's brother's place was absolutely the best.  Menu was grilled rib eye steaks, garlic shrimp, plain shrimp, re-stuffed potatoes, grilled fresh asparagus, garlic toast, fresh fruit salad, cherry kolaches, deviled eggs, and for dessert we had a family favorite chocolate fluff and Woolworth's cheesecake.  Oh, and before we ate, classy Bloody Marys were served and sipped.

They live on an acreage, and in the last couple of days three baby calfies were born.  I named the mother of one Rainbow a couple of years ago, and yesterday I was asked to name her baby...with a name starting with R.  Thought and thought and then Raspberry popped into my head.  So, one of the calfies is Raspberry.  I'm an aunt to more animals than I am to humans.  Think the animals like me more, too.  (giggle)

Our dear sister-in-law made a special batch of pickles so she could send three jars home with me.  They are a recipe she got from my mother, and she knows how we love 'em.  Isn't that sweet?  She also sent us Easter candies plus a doggie bag (not an appropriate name for steak, potatoes, desserts and garlic bread) so we could have another meal today.  We're blessed.

Millie, Maggie and Me
Both of us slept in this morning til 10 o'clock.  We're having a restful day, just the two of us.  After yesterday's love fest with Millie and Maggie, I'm ready to sit back finish crocheting the wiggly trivet and start reading a new book that was left by our door last evening.  My reading buddy out here left Conan Doyle's writings that were unrelated to Sherlock Holmes.  Can't wait to sink my eyes into that one now. 

Came home yesterday with more old jewelry that Debbie gave me.  She liked the sun catcher I gave her.  Now I've got more jewelry to take apart, wash and use the beads for my own designs.  

Sun's shining this morning.  Nice Easter morn.  With that said, am sending bunny hugs out to all my faithful followers.  Appreciate each and every one of you.     

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The boyfriend and I baked kolaches yesterday.  The route we take when baking them is not the traditional, like gramma and momma made 'em.  Never mastered the knack of the four-open eyes, so rather than produce dough balls that end up looking like star fish, we make the round open-faced kolaches with a bit of crumble topping, the Eastern European way.  We use Rhodes frozen Sweet Dough, that comes 3 loaves in a plastic wrapper and Solo canned filling.  Cherry was the filling of choice.  Usually get 3 dozen out of three loaves, but yesterday's batch got only 2-1/2 dozen cuz I made 'em too big.  Oh, well, they're good and we'll take 'em with us to Easter dinner today, along with a fruit salad.  Bought the pre-cut fruit and will make a box of instant vanilla pudding with cool whip to mix with the fruit.  Our 4-some family Easter celebration was changed from Sunday to today due to weather forecast.  

Started the wiggly crochet trivet, and am having fun with the new pattern.  Already can see that it'll go among my go-tos for homemade gifts, filled with the labor of love.  

Dismal day, 29 degrees when we got up a bit ago.  Can't wait to get up to see my two other little fuzzy buckets, Millie and Maggie.  My sister-in-law sent a copy of the baby calf that was just born.   Fun day ahead. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Spent yesterday creating a sun catcher for my sister-in-law.  Going to their home for Easter dinner.  She'd given me beads in the past, so wanted to make sure she got one of my creations.  Got out all my supplies again.  Can't make anything without making a mess.  Went to my friend's unit the other day, and her hobby is sewing.  Was so happy to see her sewing machine set up on their table, along with a bunch of fabric, and all things a seamstress needs to bring her designs to life.  We laugh that we're messy bessies and drive our boyfriends nuts.  

Found a pattern for wiggly crochet.  Guess it's been around for a long time.  Watched a YT video tutorial where a lady did an excellent job of teaching the technique, plus she posted a pattern she'd made.  Took a picture of the pattern with my phone for easy reference.  My crochet thread supply is low, but have quite a bit of the Sugar & Cream off-white thread left over from when I made the patio door valance.  Think I'm going to use that for my first try.  Am sure the finished product is prettiest when different colors are used, like the picture shows.

It's so nice when people share their patterns online and don't charge for them.  It's another way that our lives touch one another in a very positive way.  The lady I watched had drawn out the pattern, how to make the wiggly stitches.  If my trial run turns out, then will invest in multi-colored yarns to make one like the picture shows.  

The boyfriend visited a thrift store looking for vintage spoons to make his rings with, when he spotted a frame that'll be perfect for my vintage key project.  The picture was originally bought at Kohl's for $35, price tag on back, is still just like new, and he bought it at the thrift store for $1.50.  It's how we rock.

Think am going to have to start the wiggly thing in a few minutes here.  The challenge is literally driving me to the edge of the cliff.  If and when there's a finished product, a photo will be posted.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Today is a very special day, and I want to dedicate today's post to TALL COTTAGE.  Only we know the beautiful story of how we met through the mail as pen pals approximately 55 years ago.  Our similarities and likenesses were so beyond believable, that we were featured in an article I wrote for the magazine through which we started writing.  

As a tribute to your birthday, my dear, may I send my wishes for a beautiful birthday, one that warms your heart with love.  Whatever life holds in store for each of us, always know that your friendship soars high in the realm of my life's blessings.  If we were together today, I'd sing happy birthday wishes to you from both myself and the guy you so lovingly call The Master Carver.  

I'm so happy to have you follow my approach to late-life's challenges.  Please give your dear hubby a hug from me, as well as your two darling daughters.  With that said......Happy Birthday and May God Bless.

Love, Leanne

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Leaving the Subaru parking lot, we looked up and guess what we saw hovering a short way ahead?  Yuppers, a drone.  That was the first time we've ever seen one when we're out and about.  

After seeing this little thing being controlled from who knows where, it made me wonder what might be flying around looking into our windows at home, watching every move we make. As I understand, some drones are as small as flying insects.   Hmmmmm.  Maybe we'll start closing our livingroom blinds in the evening.  Took a quick pic for show and tell.  

Had a really good day trip.  Got our vehicle serviced, had another crash course explaining its techy features, had both our profiles programmed in with face identification.  When one of us gets in the driver's seat, it will read our face and position the driver seat and the rear-view mirrors.  Gotta love technology.  While we waited for our car, we each sat and enjoyed a French Vanilla Coffee, compliments of Subaru.  Couldn't believe I didn't take a book along, so worked crossword puzzles on my phone.  Simply cannot sit and do nothing.  

Arkansas got hit with tornadoes last night, and our weather here is supposed to turn ugly later today.  Got up about 9 and updated our 3-ring binder where we keep all of our records.  In the event of our untimely departure, our beneficiaries will have only one place to look to find everything to settle our affairs.  We've simplified so much.  I update this once every six months with the latest information.  Man, a good job done.  Now if it storms and we have to go to the underground garage, we can just grab our binder and go.  Guess one might call it our Bug Out Binder!   

Monday, April 11, 2022

Weather looks to be nice today, perfect for our little jaunt to get our vehicle serviced and have lunch.  Each of us has our own requests for store stops.....boyfriend's is Menard's, mine Trader Joe's.  We're gad-abouts.....never know where we'll end up or what we'll do.  

Have any of my followers watched the movie/documentary The Secret?     It's about the secret to the universe.....the law of attraction.  The ad popped up as a You Tube choice.  Watched half before going nite-nite, but the influence it's already had on me is in itself an intrigue.  SO, first thing this morning I visited the eBay store looking to see if there's a book about the secret.  Sure enough, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.  Initially was going to stop in Barnes & Noble today, but then didn't really want to pay over $20 for a book that I could get a used one for less online.  Right now, have a bid of 99 cents on a book in excellent condition with dust cover, and three days of bidding left.  Shipping is a little over $3, so just might get myself another steal deal.  This is how I incorporate anticipation into my life!

Sure sounds like a big storm is developing across the central U.S. this week, with historic snowfall and blizzard conditions and possibly tornadoes in some places.  Read that the highest 3-day snowfall ever recorded in South Dakota in the month of April was in Custer, where snow ending on April 20, 1920, totaled 44 inches.  Good thing we've got our car tune-up scheduled for today.  Will be happy to be parked down in the garage tonight, should nasty weather be heading our way.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Had a dream last night that lingers in the back of my mind.  In the dream, was going on a girl's day trip, and my hands were steering the wheel and eyes watching the road.  Dreams are odd, cuz the car I was driving had no map in the glove compartment nor built-in GPS.  There was no way for me to know which way to go, which roads to take, nothing.  The feeling of being totally lost was the main plot of the dream.

Thinking about it now, gives pause for good thinking.  None of us has a map to follow, nor a voice telling us which exit to take or which highway to follow.  Life is exactly like the dream that caused me to call the trip quits and go back home.

Every day each of us has to make small decisions, from what to wear to what kind of toothpaste to use.  Big decisions loom before us every time we leave home.  This puts the spotlight on the importance of good decision-making and learning from experience what to do that's in our best interest.  Even experience learned and passed on by another can be of critical importance to us at any given intersection of life.  

That's one blessing we seniors have in our pockets.....a wealth of life learning that serves as our GPS through life.  I'm still hearing each of my parents' individual words, telling me what they themselves learned the hard way.  And, those memories are what keep them with me along my way.  Read once that a person lives until the last person they knew dies.  Now I understand the wisdom in saying that.

Tomorrow we're going for a day trip to have our Subaru serviced.  Boy, things are changing out there in the big world.  The dealer we've bought three Subees from has been bought out by Nissan and all's changed.  Even the young guy we so enjoyed dealing with is moving out of state and securing a different job.  Car sales is another section of society that's really enduring problems.  Maybe this is where our senior set of brains holds the wisdom to know that one way or another, the consumer is gonna get the screw job.  Thank heaven we traded when we did, cuz we plan to never do so again.....unless some unforeseen something happens making it necessary.  The thought of electric cars gives me the willies.  What are they going to do?  Let us drive only so far as an extension cord will stretch?  

We have a $30 credit at Red Lobster from the time my meal at one of their restaurants was complaint worthy.  The company emailed me the credit, so we're going to see if this restaurant will honor it.  With the price of things, this chick is not going to let 30 bucks slip through her hands.  Hyper-inflation is on the way, and we all know that a recession follows.  Again, thank heaven that our parents were children of the Great Depression, and we learned how to cope with less and be okay.  The ones to worry about are those entitled and unemployed.  Their world just may be a doozy.  The best words I can pass on to those following my footsteps is to BE SMART.  Not book smart, but street smart.  There are a whole lot of not-so-smart people out there with an alphabet following their names.  Not saying that to be judgmental, but simply saying from personal observation and experience.

Must be windy out.  See the branches dancing.  Think I might sort out the beads that were gifted to me the other day.  It may sound silly to some, but keeping beads in individual containers isn't my way to rock.  Rather they all be jumbled together so when I'm making a bracelet, I can see all there are to choose from.  One shining example that sometimes it's okay to function in what some may call unorganized.  Have my craft supplies in labeled plastic drawers, and that'd be a fun project for a lazy Sunday afternoon.  

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Book finished.  

Spent good share of yesterday watching YT videos from the country of Azerbaijan.  The videos show daily life as it is today, focusing mainly on Gramma Naila's cooking.  Watching her and her son, plus grandchilden, reminds me of what our childhoods were like.  Going to Gramma's house, where she baked and cooked our meals on a wood stove.  Proof positive that we were of the first generations to experience the old country in the new country.

As the map shows, Azerbaijan is surrounded by the Caspian Sea on the east, Iran on the south, Armenia on the west, Georgia on the northwest and Russia the north.  

Azer means 'fire.'  Long ago the people living there worshipped fire and considered it their god.  The country is known as The Land of Fire. 

Mountains cover 60% of the country.  In the Relaxing Village videos, one can see how close they live to the mountains.  A lot of their cooking and eating is done outdoors.  The country has more than 8,400 small and large rivers.

Tea is at the heart of Azerbaijan's customs and traditions.  The video shows the son preparing the samovar for afternoon and mealtime tea.  The kids go in the backyard and pick leaves off of bushes for the tea.

Learned a wealth of information about the country that before yesterday I knew zero about.  This is my mode of travel.  Night before last, I stayed up until 3:15 a.m.  Simply couldnt take my head away from watching what life is still like in other countries......a stark reminder of just how much life has changed in America since we were kids going to Gramma's house, with her busy in the kitchen baking bread and fixing food for us to eat.  Think our generation lived through an amazing time, one that took our roots and replanted them in foreign soil.  There's a great part of me that carries the 'old-country' genes within.  In my humble opinion, that's a good thing.

Tis a sunny Saturday.  Stay safe.  Ta-ta.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Yesterday little love bug left, but he'll be back in a couple of weeks.  His daddy and momma left us a written tentative list of their travel plans for the year.  Now I have dates certain to await with a happy heart.

Thanks, Tall Cottage, for the ideas for the vintage keys.  Did some looking on Pinterest and have kinda decided on a shadow box.  Took a picture for the boyfriend so he has some idea what's swirling inside my brain.  He's anxious to make it for me down in the Venny workshop.  

Also ordered on eBay a vintage brass key plate to include in the shadow box display.  Thought that might add a touch of class, plus am thinking about somehow including the quotation, "Old keys won't open new doors."  Will post the finished project.  Have some design colored sheets of paper for a background.  White feels kinda stark to me.

Have sorted through the box of keys, sorting out the vintage ones.  All different sizes, skeleton keys, and what all.  If the rusty devices could talk to me, think the stories they could share about the doors they've opened, where, and by whom.  My brain can easily manufacture scenarios.  Before this, didn't know the the designs on old keys. This has opened a new awareness. 

Don't know yet a plan for the newer style keys.  Did see where they make interesting wind chimes.  First priority, tho, are the vintage ones.  They're the ones that show their age, wear and tear.  Kinda like me.

Have to start thinking what to write about for the April Venny Newsletter.  Am thinking of something along the line of the power of flowers in our lives.  There's something rattling around in my head....just have to think how to present it in a fun and yet interesting way.  

Have turned the 1,000-page of Sherlock, so just maybe if I keep my nose to the grindstone, might see that last page before nightfall.  Best get going.  Ta-ta.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

My Venny girlfriend, who loves making things like I do, gave me a box of the neatest old keys she'd collected over the years.  She tied red ribbons on a key along with a handwritten note, "Here's a key to my heart."  They were given to her lifelong special friends/family.  

Like me, she has a stash of crafting supplies and needs to clear space.  Now that the keys are mine,  my brain is thinking of ways to create other things with 'em.  The keys are soaking in a bowl of hot soapy water.  With all things I repurpose, the first thing is to clean 'em.  She also gave me a small box of old padlocks.  

Our livingroom wall has one store-bought decoration that we bought when we moved to Venny.  Would like to replace that with something one of us makes.  That's how we roll.  Handmade trumps store bought any day of the week. 

There's a general Venny meeting this morning at 10.  Got a text message yesterday asking if Cuddy could stay until tomorrow.  Was going to attend the meeting by sitting on the top-floor looking down at the first floor, while holding Cuddy.  Have decided not to attend, rather spend the time with him at home here.  Dale is on the council, and he's the one who's in the leadership position.  My presence would serve no extra purpose.  Yup, me and my little boy will cuddle in the recliner.  Am on page 920 of Sherlock Holmes, and that's the plan for my day.  

Replanted the Christmas Cactus sprig that fell off Mabel.  The clay pot is cracked.  Fits my philosophy about finding the beauty in the broken.  Watered the soil with onion-skin water.  Since using that on the big plant, Mabel looks the best she's looked.  Proof is in the pudding, so they say.  Let's hope the sprig takes hold and grows so I can have two babies in the house.  All my life my thumbs were anything but green, and here I am, an old lady, finding joy in nurturing leafy loves.

Another dismal day out there.  Perfect Tuesday.  Read that Tuesday is often the most productive day of the week for most people.  Hmmmmm......

Monday, April 4, 2022

A surprise Facebook message made my day.  

A sweet friend of mine found a newspaper clipping from 1964 that featured me as one of the candidates for Homecoming Queen.  Honestly, can't recall seeing the photo, so you can imagine how good it felt to see myself as a senior in high school.  Thank you from my heart, dear Cindy, for forwarding the photo on to me.  This was an act of kindness that puts a gold star beside your name!

 As it turned out, I was chosen to be the 1964 Homecoming Queen, and that was the only year that our school had a Homecoming King.  To this day, when we see each other at class reunions, he calls me his queen and I call him my king.  How sweet the memories that soothe the elderly heart.  

Sunday, April 3, 2022

A grocery store sale brought luscious bbq ribs to last night's table.  One of our faves, doused with Cookie's BBQ Sauce.  A real treat.  With the price of meat these days, plus the disappointment in restaurant foods, our home-cooked meals are pretty amazing.  

It's a gorgeous Sunday here, considering snow fell about this time yesterday.  Spring weather can be anything from tornadoes to blizzards and everything in between.  

A new neighbor moved in next door to us yesterday.  A few new people have moved in that I've not met.  My projects, plus Covid, have set a new pattern for my staying home and not being as involved socially.  It's not that I'm anti-social, it's just that my hobbies keep me busy.  Plus, when there's no others around, no outside drama seeps into my life.  Will probably bake a loaf of cranberry-orange bread to take over to her as a sign of neighborly friendship.  

Ordered three tshirts on e-bay for myself.  My summer wardrobe is going to be quite simple......capris and tshirts of favorite places we've visited.  Need to go through the closet and pitch the stuff that no longer appeals to me.  Venny is having a thrift store day, where we can put stuff in one location and a local store will pick it up. 

Today's post will be short.  Am going to post an ad in the online classifieds plus tend to a few other have-tos.  

Saturday, April 2, 2022


It's's snowing......and Cuddy's here.  Yuppers, light snow is falling, and the field out front is white.  Nobody can convince me that weather doesn't play a part in the pains that come with arthritis.  My lower back is definitely not happy.

Yesterday the boyfriend spent the afternoon outside, with two other Venniers, building raised garden beds.  The Venny garden is getting a big makeover this year.  Weather was perfect.  Cuddy and I walked out to take some pictures of the project for the April newsletter. 

Dale sawing boards for
raised garden beds
Then Cuddy and I went to visit his other set of Venny caretakers.  He loves going there, and immediately he scored two treats.  Stayed for awhile visiting and getting a few giggles in, along with sipping a glass of cold Chardonay.  The boyfriend bought fish at Kwik Star for an easy supper.  Then we three snuggle bugs spent a quiet evening.  My choice of YT videos was about Nannies and the Norland Nanny School in Bath, England, founded in 1892.  Prince Louis' nanny is a Norland Nanny, which is considered the best of the best and are the first to be chosen by royals and celebrities.  

The young men who train to be nannies are called 'mannies.'  Both nannies and mannies are expected to have extra skills.  Martial arts are taught to them to protect the child/children from potential kidnappers, as well as how to avoid paparazzi.  Trust is vital, and it's said you will never hear a Norland Nanny gossiping or recounting any experiences within their host famiy.  Many actually sign confidentiality agreements, ensuring this doesn't happen. 

Norland Nanny is a 3-year course, that includes assignments, both practical and theory.  When employed, a Norland Nanny is considered to be the highest sign of social standing.  Parents who want their children to achieve greatness often search for a Norland Nanny, but they pay very well for their services.   

Norland Nannies

Norland Nannies and Mannies in uniform
So many interesting things to learn about.  The word "nanny" has a whole new meaning to me this morning.  Can't help but wonder what the royal family pays the nanny that watches out for William, Charlotte and Louis.  Just imagine the responsibility she bears.

On with my day.  Ta-ta, as the British would say!

Friday, April 1, 2022

 Well, he did it again.  After all the years, I'm officially an April fool three times in 2022.  

The first time he got me was after midnight.  The boyfriend went into the bathroom and came out all p.o.'d that there's water all over the bathroom floor.  Well, my brain was somewhere in Sri Lanka, and I bit like a fish.  My response was one of anxious frustration, an irksome combination of emotions.  Then came that shitty grim of his followed by "April Fools."

Stayed up alone till 3 a.m. once more watching Agenda Free updates on the two Ukrainian helicopters that managed to fly across the Russian border and drop missiles on eight oil tanks.  Boyfriend had eye doctor appointment at 8:50 this morning, so asked to let me sleep until he returns.  Which is what I did.  Next thing I know, he's waking me and I hear, "B called, and they're not bringing Cuddy until tomorrow.  In my half-sleep, my heart sank and my head fell back on the pillow.  THEN, I hear those words again, "April Fools."

If that wasn't enough, when I went to pour myself a cup of coffee, there was a wad of UNUSED toilet paper in my cup.  Jeezus, what a dweeb.  

I did manage to fool my Venny buddy that verbally spars with me through text messages every day.  His humor is as sick as mine, so we get along famously.  I texted him a bit of news that I thought would make his day.  Five minutes didn't pass and my phone was ringing.  It was he with a response to my April Fools text.  Yup, I got him hook, line and sinker.  When I told him my text was an AF joke, he called me a name I won't put down for posterity. him!!!!!

So it is that we open our doors to a new month.....the month that will bring showers and spring flowers.  Our patio door is open, and the fresh air is exhilarating.  Even though I've been duped three times already, something tells me I'm gonna fire back at some point.  May have to make my own fools day in order to outsmart the guy.  Man, he's a trickster.  

In an hour little fuzz bucket will return.  Gonna hop in the shower and get all freshened up for my little man.  Then I'm gonna spoil him royally rotten.  One thing for sure, when he comes to stay with us, he's gonna have fun, be safe, and be loved beyond the moon.  Please, dear readers, don't think I'm crazy by always writing about my white fuzzy loves.  By now, you know i'm deliriously in love with 'em.  My heart goes out to those who allow me to love their puppies.  

It's a blue sky day, with white puffy clouds floating around.  There's something about the sound of APRIL that puts a refreshing touch on one's soul.  As much as I love winter, gotta say it's good to see the change of seasons again.  My next big goal is to find trilliums in our secret spot alongside a creek about twenty miles from home here.  The thought of tiny hummingbirds flitting around the balcony lifts my spirits, too.  

Got a call yesterday, and our Venny friends are on their way back home from Arizona.  We pray for their safe return and await getting together, other than by long distance cell phone.  

Best scoot.  Be on the lookout for those jokesters who find glee in watching us take the bait as they dangle it before us.  Thank you, Great Spirit, for the gift of humor.  It's probably the biggest perk to this thing called Life.