Friday, March 4, 2022


Don't know if I heard this, or if I read it feels like we've crawled down a worm hole where everything right is wrong, and everything that's wrong is suddenly right.  Seems a day doesn't pass without those words being rubber-stamped by reality.

Today is March 4th.  A twist of the words gives us MARCH FORTH.  Seems there's a growing need for the average person to march forth to protect and maintain our freedoms and privileges.  Some days it appears that there's one huge glaring problem on earth, along with 8 billion ways to solve the one problem.  Gosh, who among us holds the right answer?  How do we decide?  Is humanity beyond the point of civil communication?  Sure seems like it.  

In a way, social media is a war game.  If two people are FB friends and one decides to block the other, isn't that like eliminating the enemy?  Think there are those who find power for themselves when they block a friend or relative.  How different is that than one country attacking another?  Killing one another? The weight of the abuse of power is different, but the idea is the same.  It's like playing with toy soldiers.  Knock a soldier down, and that gives the feeling of power over another.

Am finding it more and more problematic writing every day.  Like walking on cracking ice.  It's a time when one has to be so careful not to offend another.  Instead of growing stronger, humans are growing more fragile.   When I watch livestreams by ordinary people, everyone shares the same current unease.  There's just something that doesn't feel right.  Like the lull before a storm.  Like I said at the beginning, everything right is now wrong.....and everything wrong is now right.  How's a person supposed to live in a world where suddenly a SIN is elevated to be a VIRTUE?  

Have touched on this before, but are others out there feeling the Blame Game?  No matter what happens, it's always someone else's fault.  Some feel they can say whatever hurtful things they want, yet that same person wilts like a flower if someone looks at them wrong.   

Guess these are just personal confused heart among the other 8 billion confused hearts.