Saturday, March 26, 2022


Another late-night YT royal family binge.  Finally, at 3 a.m. the lid of the laptop went down and was off to bed. 

Have no idea why the royal family's daily life interests me.  Maybe because it's so "out there" that it's like watching fantasy.  It's no secret that Prince Charles and his current spouse were invited to their friends for the weekend.  The Prince had his entire bedroom suite moved in moving trucks.  Dig this......he even takes along his own toilet seat.  As a postscript to the video, it was made clear that he was never invited to stay with those friends again.

Sometimes it's therapeutic watching how people of other stations in life actually live.  Imagine demanding your shoelaces be ironed?  How below sea level do the royals think the rest of us are.........human is human.........what happens to us also happens to them, except they hide their humanness.  Their staff and servants do the menial survival chores for them.  If perfect honesty is being expressed here, it's enough to make me sick.  But.......the intrigue of royalty gives royal credence to my simple life and self-sufficiency.  

Went to Cuddy's house for supper last evening.  First, we had a cocktail in a caramel-rimmed glass along with a charcuterie board of cheeses, sausages, grapes, green olives and bacon-wrapped water chestnuts.  Supper was a delightful meat loaf, party mashed potatoes, home-grown sweet corn, delish lettuce salad, all topped off with key lime pie and whipped cream for dessert.  Also included Cuddy cuddles!

Cuddy will be returning to stay with us on April 1st for a few days, from Friday at noon till Tuesday at 3.  Wrote a thank-you text to them this morning, referring to them as Our Trinity.  At our age, we view all goodness in our lives as blessings. 

Our Venny friends from AZ called today to say next weekend they'll be heading back home.  Yay!  Our Venny family is sacred.  Dale told them to keep in touch on their way home so we can track them like Santa on Christmas Eve!

Soon the sun will set on another beautiful day.  Gotta say, we had a snow squall yesterday afternoon.........naturally, we loved it while it lasted.  


  1. Your pre-dinner and dinner sound delicious.
    A few flurries is all we received in the air. Most all snow has disappeared. It sure isn't the winters I remember as a kid - when we had winter from November-early December till end of April. This year heavy snows alluded us but not the cold. It definitely was a COLD winter here.
    Been playing a game on AARP called Word Wipe and I must admit I'm addicted. Such fun.
    Say "Hi" to the Master Carver for us.

  2. Aren't those games addicting?
    I so agree that our winters are not at all like when we were kids. Gotta say I miss those blizzards, especially now when we could sit back and watch them happen from the comfort of our retirement recliners.

  3. P.S. Master Carver sends "hi" back to you both.

  4. That makes me happy, happy. I miss you both.
    A good old-fashioned blizzard would be welcomed here.

  5. Would love one more blizzard for old-time sake. This comes from she who doesn't have to remove the white stuff after it falls to the ground. (giggle)
