Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Our home is mising one heartbeat today.  The little fuzzy one returned home to his owners, after living with us since December.  Both his mommy and daddy came to pick him up.  We sat and had a wonderful visit, sipped on some caramel Black Velvet, to celebrate their safe return.  When they gathered up his toys and bed, it felt like someone was ripping my heart out with no pain killer.  I went out on the balcony and watched them drive away, and that's when the real void kicked in.

Good news is we're invited to the fuzzy one's home Friday afternoon for drinks and dinner.  Plus, we got a list of their 2022 vacation schedule, which has trips planned for most every month.  Yup, the fuzzy one shall return.

It's sprinkling out now.  Overcast.  Nice, cozy spring day.  Yoo hoo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, where are you?????