Another overcast light-mist day. Up earlier than usual, as the man of the house has a Venny Council meeting at 10.
One of the sprigs of our Christmas Cactus broke off. Have the base of it in a glass of water. Can see three small sprouts, or roots, so will plant it in its own planter. Would be kinda nice to have another one to nurture and watch grow.
Woke up yesterday, only to find the crocheted valance and its rod on the floor. Sometime overnight the darned thing must've fallen. Would guess we didn't have the spring tight enough.
Two wild ducks flew by, heading toward the northwest. Looks more like a dreary November day, rather than March. Our state had some awful tornadoes again this week.
Company is coming this afternoon. Yup, we're having a wee one visit us, along with her mommie, auntie and gramma. It's been quite awhile since we've been with a few-month-old baby.
Stay safe.