Wrote a short ditty yesterday but forgot to publish it. Being there was no newsworthy content, pushed the delete button and will start over.
Our six-some party last evening was very very nice. Good food, conversation and catching up after Covid's unwelcome intervention. Like I say, friendships become pearls in the oyster the older we get. Let us all try to remember that and not allow good friends to slip out of our hearts.
Another pretty day, with the sun shining. A big beautiful moon lighted our way home last night. A beautiful night's eye that watches over us all.
Returned home about ten o'clock and then I played games of 10x10, which draws me back to the board with little success. To me, it's not a competition, but gotta say I was ecstatic the day I achieved a score of over 2,000. There are those players who score 20,000+. Keeps my brain active, which is the real goal.
Am still undefeated in playing Wordle. May have to graduate to the 6-letter version. Have a darned backache today, so will pamper myself by spending the day with Sherlock Holmes and Mr. Watson. There's a big annual meeting out here this afternoon. The boyfriend is going, but not me. Will stay home with Cuddy. Have entered the safety zone of life, thanks to Covid. There's something therapeutic about spending pristine time....time that's not yet been lived.....and making it one's own with whatever fosters our personal peace of mind and heart.
Today is the first day of Spring. As the days open up, so will Nature's plant kingdom. Beneath the soil the quiet miracle of life is getting ready to bring us beautiful shades of greenery, colorful flowers and the grains that feed humanity. Snow has melted into the ground, and soon April showers will be the holy water that brings the dormant back to life. I'm one who sees beauty in the world of weeds, as well. Our Creator didn't label some plants good and some plants bad. Nope, that's the work of the human brain that really is quite dysfunctional in so many ways. Why else would our world be the way it is right now. Can't help but wonder what the sweet yellow dandelion thinks when it's chemically destroyed or cut down with weed eaters and lawnmowers. Yet, it's next-door neighbor, the daffodil, is revered and placed in the center of our tables. Same color, different label. Hmmmmmm.
Dandelions |
Daffodils |