Yesterday's dinner party at our house was called off mid-day, due to one of our sixsome not feeling well and needed to go to the hospital. The main thing is that she returned home. The meal was entirely prepared, and we could have invited other friends for supper. But, there's this business of having guests feel like they're second choice, and I would never want anyone to feel like that. So, instead, the two of us ate two helpings each of some pretty darned good Guinness Irish Stew served over Colcannon mashed potatoes, along with Irish soda muffins. We were too stuffed to eat the Dutch apple pie with cool whip.
Remember my Mom always telling me not to make plans, cuz things don't always work out. Despite her advice, am one who plans inside my head for days before having friends over, and the longer I plan the more excited I get. Yup, Mom's words came to haunt me yesterday.
My Daddy always had a saying, too. Health is our wealth. And, boy, how true that is. The older we get, the more thankful we must be each day that we are able to do the things we want, or not do the things we don't want to do. Once our health is compromised, there's no peace of mind from that point on. There's always that nagging fear in the back of our heads. Guess that's why we have the Serenity Prayer. Change the things we can....accept the things we can't.
The early morning light rain has now turned into light snow. Blessed springtime moisture. Cloudy, dismal, and I like it. A day suitable to Sherlock Holmes and more leftovers from last night's postponed supper. Cuddy and I cuddled in bed this morning after the boyfriend left for an eye doctor appointment. He's gone through a lot with his eyes this last year or two. Both of us have itchy, dry eyes, and put eye drops in every day. Some days are worse than others. Almost makes one think there's something in the air, or allergies or something.
My close friends know that there's another F word hidden in my back pocket....... just in case! |