Tuesday, March 29, 2022

"Like the rest of us, he was part of flawed humanity."  Those are the words that struck me the hardest while watching and listening to the Prince Phillip's Thanksgiving Service at Westminster this morning.

Those words strike me as an umbrella held over all 8 billion of us, each struggling to make it from our own personal birth to that last breath that knows there will be no more to follow.  During that struggle, it's only too human to forget how flawed we really are.  It's so much easier to see the flaws of others, kicking our own beneath the carpet of daily life so no one will see.  

That's what I took away from the videos of the somber celebration.

The boyfriend is out and about this morning.  His shopping list included clothing, so, needless to say, he wasn't able to place an online order.  Lazy me stayed back to be exactly that......read, write and roam around the internet.  A clay pot and potting soil is awaiting on the kitchen counter, and the boyfriend instructed me to wait until he cleans the flower pot before the big transplant.  

I know where there is a Christmas Cactus that's in dire need of tender loving care, but lord knows I wouldn't want to offend its owner either by a comment or a suggestion.  That's how friendships are destroyed.  The cactus is literally left to die on its own, and it's driving me nuts.  But, as the boyfriend said to me, you can't rescue everything.

It's overcast now, but a nice day.  Am thinking of ways to spruce up our deck this year.  Intend to spend a good deal of time out there soaking up the sunshine.  Still have our income tax papers to send in to the accountant.  Emailed him yesterday to watch for them in the mail.  He's a personable young man, the kind that makes for a sweet son.  Never having had kids myself, I always imagine young people and wonder what it would be like if I'd been their mother.  Most likely any kid of mine would now be serving time behind bars.

Am now going to tramp off with Sherlock while the house mate is gone.  Reading and silence go very well together, so will capitalize on the quiet time to stuff more into my cranial cavity.  

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay heppy.  Ta-ta.