Am going to share a bit of knowledge that gives me cause for pause with regard to the global affairs. We watch You Tube alot, from vlogs to documentaries to livestreams of everyday people, and sometimes even news. Maybe everyone else realizes this already, but only yesterday did the truth sink into my brain.
Quite a few people out there are monetized on You Tube. Many people are making big bucks with their channels, whether it be cooking, prepping, traveling.......or writing fear porn. Yup, fear porn. Never noticed before that the channels who show and warn us about awfully frightening things about to happen, from food shortages to nuclear war, are the ones with the most views. The more views the more money they make. Once they find their niche, they're making videos and scaring the heck out of the rest of us. In other words, nice people are making big bucks by posting what's now called fear porn. Personally, this gives me hope that just maybe the world isn't going to end one of these days.
That's my tid bit for the day.
Am headed for the kitchen to begin fixing our St. Patrick's Day supper for six. A Marie Callendar's Dutch Apple Pie is in the oven, timer set for one hour. Then I put the package of crumble on top of the pie, put back in the oven for another 10 minutes. Simple and sure to be delicious.
Saturday morning Cuddy is going to his salon for a bath before our party and then before he returns to his real home on Monday. I'm calling it Black Monday. We want the little guy to be as well kept as can be. Called the groomer a few minutes ago, and I know she went out of her way to do this for Cuddy Saturday. She is one of those gals who's the real deal.
Best get the place spiffed up if we're having guests arriving at 5. We're so grateful for our true friends. Old and new.
Stay safe, my dears.