Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Want to start by thanking B.C. Bonnie for sharing YT's Peter Santenello travel vlogs.  As a result, I spent a few hours last evening in Pakistan.  Peter Santenello shows us the world the media fails to show us.  If anyone enjoys learning through travel vlogs, this guy is the real deal.  

March came in like a lamb, so now the question is will it go out like a lion.  Our weather patterns have changed so much over the last century, don't know if the old adages have the punch they once did.  Our snow is slowly melting, which means it's being soaked up by the ground.  The sun is shining and a pretty day awaits.

Will be spending the day as a hooker......with a crochet hook, that is.  The valance is slowly increasing in size.  Am thus far pleased with the pattern, color and weight of the thread.  Gotta admit to enjoying being a hooker!

Nothing else newsy on my end.  Trying to keep myself distanced from world news, cuz it only increases anxiety and depression.  Heaven knows we don't need more of that.  

Decided yesterday to get my hair chopped off.  Have had it a bit longer, and it requires styling with a brush curling iron.  Am to the point where it's pretty obvious it's time to let go of unrealistic youthful ideations.  Guys have it a whole lot easier.....they can get a butch and no worries.  Am thinking of a really short pixie, that would probably make me look like a frump.  Made an appointment for March 15th at 4:30 with the gal who works in the Venny salon here.  My body temperature feels like I live in a furnace anyway, and the longer my hair, the hotter I feel.  Guess it only makes sense that a hooker would be hot.

Gonna fly for now.