Thursday, March 3, 2022


Looking out our patio doors late yesterday afternoon, a parade of deer crossed over the Venny lawn and into the field.  Quickly grabbed the phone to take a picture.  No more than sat down and another group crossed.  How blessed are we to live where deer live and to share their world.  Best part is that they have no reason to feel threatened here, so they amble about like the rest of us.

Made an appointment for Cuddy to get a spring haircut before the St. Patty's Day parties.  He's so sweet when his hair is long, but can tell he's a bit uncomfortable and too warm.  Comfort overrides cuteness every day in my book.  He gets a haircut one day, and the next day I get mine cut.  It's time for a lift of sorts.  

Absolutely nothing newsworthy on my end.  Watched PS's vlogs filmed in the Hoods of San Francisco and The Bronx.  Makes a person truly appreciate living where we live here in the heart of America.  

Came to a personal conclusion yesterday.  So often I indicate feelings about shattered friendships and family relationships.  As a way to accept these break-ups, I've concluded that maybe it's the Big Plan to sift out the sand from the gold dust.  Kinda like a way to grade sincerity and honesty.  The friends and family that stand beside us to the end are the gifts of gold that are worthy of a place in our hearts.  I like to pass on my thoughts in case someone else out there is living with similar feelings.

On that note.....ta-ta.