Friday, March 11, 2022


Have had my head in the Holmes mysteries till my eyes are crossed.  The size of print is small and the weight of the book is heavy.  At times my eyes and hands protest, but have over 1,000 pages to go.   

In writing these stories, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle includes Goethe quotations in German.  For the reader to get the maximum out of the read, one has to rely upon the internet for a translation.  Agatha Christie, in her books, included French quotations that needed translating, too.  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) is widely regarded as the greatest and most influential writer in the German language.  

Wrote and submitted my article for the Venny March Newsletter.  Chose the top Leprechauns to insert a bit of whimsy.  

Nuthin' new.  Somebody must be thinking about me, cuz my nose itches.  



  1. Dick has read most of the Holmes mysteries. We're watching a show on PBS currently.

  2. Would be fun to visit with Dick about the mysteries. Took quite a mind to write those stories.
