Sunday, September 29, 2024


Today I'm sharing a website of a short You Tube video showing the basic idea of zentangle.  The basic idea is to immerse oneself in a state of tranquility and allow one's creative spirit to take over.  There is no right and no wrong.  There are all kinds of patterns one can use, and one can make up his/her own form of doodling.  The finished project gives one the feeling of accomplishment, a nibble of talent, and a darned good feeling overall.  I love zentangle cuz I can take it with me wherever I go.  There are all sizes of sketch books.  

Last evening we sat outside on the deck, sipping our 5 o'clock cocktails.  Zentangle was the ideal pastime, while the boyfriend worked a sudoku puzzle.  Then we were accosted by a herd of no-see-ums, those blasted teensy-weensy black bugs that bite like a lion.  Both of us came back inside with bites to scratch, plus there were six of 'em floating around in my drink.  One has to wonder what the purpose of the no-see-ums is.  Come to find out their purpose in life is to be a food source for birds and bats.  

This website shows the basics of zentangle, and there are many more out there to watch and learn from.  I chose this one cuz it's a short video and very self-explanatory.  The video shows the person working in black marker, but I personally use pencil, cuz it's easier for me to shade in the white spaces.  Personal preference.  It's the only therapeutic art form that requires nothing more than a pencil, sketch pad and a mind that needs calming.  In my experience, it's the ideal mental therapy.  It came to me from a friend following Shawn's suicide, when I was nearly down for the count.  I share this for anyone interested.  Part of my fun in life is sharing.  Nothing on earth belongs only to me (except the boyfriend), and I share him with others up to a point.  

A Zentangle tile is meant to be a surprise that unfolds before the creator's eyes, one stroke at a time.  Keep creating, it will change your life. 

1 comment:

  1. Incredible….to bad that art teacher can’t see this!!!!…M
