Saturday, September 21, 2024


Hare's Foot Inkcap
A couple of blogs ago I posted a photo of fungi and asked if anyone could put a name to it.  Well, after lotsa googling, I found the answer.  The scientific name is Coprinopsis lagopus, and its common name is Hare's Foot Inkcap.  

Day before yesterday we visited Cuddy's parents' house.  As we were leaving, they called our attention to the lilac bush that's blooming in their yard.....IN SEPTEMBER.  Huh?  Lilacs are one of the first of springtime's arrivals.  So what's going on?

The boyfriend came across an article written a couple of days ago about the lilacs that are blossoming in Iowa.  Here's what the article says: 

"Typically a harbinger of spring, lilacs have made an off-season appearance in Iowa this August and September.  Lilac bushes that lost their foliage over the summer have blossomed in pale purples as the season ended.  Just as stress brought on by Iowa's 2020 hurricane-strength derecho led spring-blooming trees to blossom in the fall, the fragrant favorite, which normally blossoms in May, has been 'tricked' into blooming for a second time.

". . . . .This out-of-season bloom is usually triggered by stressful environmental conditions during the summer growing season such as heat, drought, severe defoliation from disease or pest, and/or heavy pruning."

Cuddy's Resting Place
Beneath the Tree

We visited Cuddy's burial site.  Man, my heart literally ached to think of that sweet little boy that brought us so many happy times.  His daddy buried him in the front yard where he loved to watch the cars drive by.  He is sleeping in his little bed, covered with his blanket, along with his favorite toys.  The monkey was his favorite.  It's a sweet place, and I've been given permission to put something by Cuddy's grave if I want to.  The four of us agree that it was Cuddy that brought us together in a warm and wonderful friendship.  We treasure them for entrusting their little guy to our care.  We don't take that lightly.

I sat out on the deck yesterday crocheting.  The bees were flying around, but they didn't bother me.  After all, it's their world, too.  Temp today is forecast to be in the low 80s with possible storms later this afternoon.  We're invited out to spend the evening with four special friends.  Whenever we get together, it's guaranteed to include laughs, plus we are able...the six of pretty much solve the global problems.  The host and hostess always serve yummy drinks, snacks and food, there will be puppies and kitties, so it's the perfect backdrop for a fun party.



  1. Enjoy your evening…please let me know the “solutions” you come up with!

  2. We came up with a solution, but it's to be kept confidential within the circle of six.

  3. You mean there really is a solution??? You guys should run for Congress!!!

  4. Yes, there truly is a solution. But, the solution remains within the circle of six. And, six does not constitute a congressional majority. Sad, isn't it???
