Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Today I begin by posting a photo of last night's moon......

Not a day goes by that the news media doesn't splatter us with human-induced bloody violence.  We humans have created a world that we weren't designed to live in.  Why else do people use drugs, alcohol and food except to escape reality?  We rush around in chaos. But, Mother Earth Herself keeps calm like the ticking of a clock.  We humans have even replaced the beloved ticking clock with indifferent digital displays. 

The moon teaches us how to love.  There's a saying, "Love as the Moon loves; it does not steal the night, it only unveils the beauty of the dark."   How many of us look to the sky as a source of reflection and relaxation?

A person who loves the moon is known as a selenophile, from the Greek words selene (moon) and phile (lover).  The person who loves stars is an astrophile, from the Greek words astro (star) and phile (lover).  We humans are amazing when it comes to labeling, aren't we?  There oughta be a separate dictionary for the words that are pinned on us during our brief stay.  

Every person and creature is blessed by the moon.  The moon is a nightly source of guidance and illumination for man and creatures.  The moon is a guiding force through dark times. We don't have to be astronauts to appreciate the moon and its phases.  Nope, we can be ordinary souls and simply look up to the night sky and be assured we are not down here alone.  We always have the moon to talk to.

I'll close with a couple of my favorite moon quotations......

The Moon can only fill up once it becomes empty.
And it can only shine in all its glory
once it's gone through its darkest expression.
~Carl Jung

   Moonlight is sculpture;
sunlight is painting.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne