Monday, September 9, 2024


It's important to me that I don't only write about the good parts of my life.  Social media can be deceiving, so I need to include the not-so-nice parts of our daily existence.

Yesterday we received an email from our AARP credit card company alerting us to suspected fraudulent use of the boyfriend's credit card.  The purchase was made with his card in Houston, Texas.  Quickly I called the number and spoke with a gal who explained that the card would need to be destroyed and a new card issued.  Somehow, somewhere, someone managed to steal his number, whether it was at a gas pump or in a retail store.  

While we were gone on our beloved up north adventure, we stayed two nights at a Corp of Engineers Recreation Campground.  Our two Coleman camp chairs were stolen.  When we reported it to the rangers, they advised this was the first theft they were aware of at the campground.  When we left there, I placed the two Coleman chair bags on the picnic table along with a note saying that whoever stole our chairs might as well have the bags to carry them in.  I also wrote that we are among the givers of the world, and not the takers.  I signed the note from 2 lifelong campers, and this was the first time someone had stolen from our campsite.

While on the interstate, we encountered a big pickup following us......a road rage incident......the pickup wildly veered from lane to lane and wouldn't let up......he kept revving up his motor and following us closer and closer.  I don't think I've ever been that scared.  It wasn't as if we were holding up traffic, we were keeping the same speed as everyone ahead of us.  Finally he passed us like a flying bullet, and we can only hope he didn't kill someone.  

This stuff happens every day, but our current society, along with social media, has us focusing only on the glitter and not the guts of real life.  The other day when we learned about a guy in Kentucky shooting randomly at cars, seriously wounding five motorists, it made me sick to think what's happening to our world.  Anyone who thinks they are safe and  immune from scary and dangerous situations simply doesn't have their head screwed on straight.  

That's it for today.  It's lunch time, and my tummy is growling.  Ta-ta till the morrow.


  1. Am so sorry your much anticipated adventure resulted in such incidents…what has become of our world???…M

  2. M......we didn't allow any of these incidents to cloud our wonderful time away. Like you, I ask every day what is becoming of our world. I fear that our moral compass is broken.
