Monday, September 30, 2024


Fifty-seven years ago today, the boyfriend and I vowed to devote our lives to each other in the Catholic Sacrament of Matrimony.  Yes, 57 years ago..........yes, seen through youthful eyes, we are ancient souls simply taking up space.

Ahhhh, the memories we've accumulated in the last 57 years..... uncountable.... unbelievable.  Two youngsters joined forces that day, promising to live the remainder of our lives together.  No matter what life would accost us with, we'd face it together.  

Looking back and looking forward ..............all I can say is............what's it all about?  Back in 1967, we vowed, we promised and we took our vows and promises seriously.  Fast forward to 2024, marriage vows are spoken, but the expectation is not to celebrate 57 years together.  If newlyweds can co-exist for five years, they're lucky.  The average wedding in 2024 costs $35,000 (low end) and for what?  The Sacrament is no longer meaningful, nor sacred.  

Fast forward 57 years from the day daddy walked me down the aisle.....the family chain has been broken with the passing of beloved family members.  I now stand as the matriarch of the generations after me.  They don't care to think of me as their matriarch, but it's only a description of one who is the last one standing.  That's a serious thought, but reality isn't necessarily kind.  It is what it is.

Today is a beautiful autumn day, just as it was in 1967.  The word "beautiful" refers not only to the beauty of the season, but more about the beauty of two souls who have successfully found their way through the happy times, sad times, hard times, tragic times.....everything from family picnics to funeral eulogies.  Together, two people created a Book of Life that belongs only to them.  That's what being married 57 years means.  We never were for big celebrations, where scads of people gather to re-celebrate our marriage.  We would rather celebrate privately.  It's just the way we are.  

Each of us is given one life to live.  The older we get, the more we reflect on our life decisions.  Of all the positive attributes, I would choose perseverance--the persistence in doing something despite difficulty.  Whether it's a marriage or friendship, undertaking a challenge, or making it through a difficult's perseverance that gets us from one chapter to the next.  That's how I've dealt with my life and its uncountable challenges.  We can't get through life without our own set of confrontations and provocations.  As I've written before, "Patience Attains all it Strives For."  PPP....perseverance, persistence and patience....are the three keys to the doors that sometimes lock us out.  

The boyfriend requested a haircut, so that's gonna be my gift to him.  He picked me a bouquet of gold fall flowers from his garden, and he's preparing me a special dinner tonight.  We're celebrating, just the two of us.  I think it's good that after all these years, we like being together, just like if we're still dating.  We've settled down over the years.  We no longer have to be racing around from place to place.  All that is behind us.  Now, we're ever so satisfied living in our late-life nest.  We watch the world around us change, we maybe don't agree with others, but we simply live and let live.  

And, that's what it's like to be 'old.'  I use that word jokingly, cuz the two of us don't feel old.....we just look old.  When we were young, we didn't understand what that meant.  Some things you just have to wait to understand.  The answers to life and relationships can't be found in the first few miles......the answers become clear when we near the last miles of our earthy hike.  We find it sad that so many young married couples aren't able to see a marriage through.  We all have to wait for the seed to grow before we can pick a beautiful flower.


  1. A beautiful reflection on marriage and the gift of sticking it out 57 years…congratulations!!!…M
