After a 5-daycation, I'm back to the keyboard, raring to go. Gotta say that I miss writing my daily post, but it was a fine time to gather photos about which to write. Our trolley took us first to a 2-day family reunion, which was unforgettable and fun. For me, spending time with my family bloodline means the world. Family can be a blessing, and family can be a biological curse. The family that I have found welcomes me and loves me as though I was a sibling, rather than a second cousin.
Our trolley then took us 'up north' to the tall pine trees and lakes. We first started going up north to the Walker area back in 1966. Increased traffic, round-abouts and drivers that don't care about other drivers....well, that made us aware that the 'up north' we hold in our memories no longer exists. The small cabin resorts have been replaced with multi-million-dollar-mega-mansions sprawled along the shore lines.
We visited Nisswa, where we ate breakfast one morning. My intention on this trip was to bring home with me a sweatshirt from Nisswa. Walked into the gift shop adjacent to the restaurant, and there it was.....the perfect sweatshirt in my size. I grabbed it off the rack and plopped it down on the check-out counter. Being the bracelet nut that I am, I chose a small beaded one. The gal checking us out said, "Oh, heck, you can have the bracelet." End of season sales, plus a helping of kindness made me one happy little girl.
We visited Walker, drove the Onigum Road, drove up to the Federal Dam campground, and ate at the Brainerd Maid-Rite restaurant. They now serve maid-rite sundaes, so we each had one of those and shared a piece of homemade coconut cream pie.
This was our first time Subaru camping. Yup, we slept two nights in our Subee, at a favorite Corp Park. We managed to get a camp site next to the shower house, so it was perfect. We're happy that we tried this abbreviated style of camping, cuz now we know we can do overnights. Motels give me the willies. First of all, there are less amenities for more money. Then I've heard horror stories about people bringing bed bugs home and infesting their own homes. I'm far too squeamish to lay my head down on a pillow that's covered merely with a pillow case. My head starts wondering who drooled on the pillow the night before. That's where I get off the cocoa puff train.
It's good to be back in our nest. Today is very overcast, actually looks like nighttime is setting in at 8:30 a.m. Heavy dark clouds are crawling across the sky. We were blessed with absolutely ideal autumn weather while we were away. Couldn't have ordered better. I did bring home a few mosquito bites, souvenirs I wasn't looking for nor did I purchase. Those little pests are part of the up-north experience, like it or not.
Think today we're going to unwind and catch up on our YouTube vlogs, the daily updated video blogs. They're a new style soap opera. Oooooh, now it's thundering and lightning and raining. What a perfect cozy-in day.
It's good to be back. Ta-ta till the morrow.