Saturday, September 28, 2024


I should re-tell my "art" story since I'm taking a drawing class.

Rewind life back to when I was a sophomore in high school.  I chose to take art, because I wanted to learn how to draw and paint.  The art teacher (her name is branded on my brain like the brands on a cow) was a tiny person, one might say she was pretty.  I remember her taking us upstairs and teaching us how to draw a focal point in a room.  That was so cool.  One day she sat some fruit on a desk and told us to draw the fruit best we can.  This was early on in the class.....before she actually taught us anything.  Well, I thought that my completed picture might end up in the Louvre one day, but instead it was returned to me with a big FYup, right out of the gate I had failed terribly.  Never, since primary a/k/a kindergarten, had I ever gotten an F in anything.

I panicked, cuz this would damage my chances of getting on the honor roll.  I quickly went to the principal's office and asked if I could drop out of the class, explaining that Mrs. ____ had just given me an F.  Back in those days, students had no say in anything, but the principal was kind enough to agree to let me drop out of the class.  And, that my friends, was the end of my drawing.

Fast forward to today.......Some sixty years later I'm taking this online drawing class, it's free, has no grading formula, nor do I have to worry about competing with someone who was born with a knack for art.  They say it's never too late, and so this is why I'm going to try to learn a few things so I can dabble with a pencil and sketch pad. 

Deep down inside of me, I admit to being revengeful.  Never will I forgive that pretty little sawed-off witch for demeaning me the way she did with that grade.  I wouldn't say anything if this was at the end of the school year, but this was right out of the gate.  Bless Me Father, but I hold grudges.  Yup, cannot help it.  Grudges are heavy and can wear a person down, but there are a few in my backpack.  Am not proud to admit this, but it's the truth.

In yesterday's online class, the teacher showed us how to draw cubes, cylinders, cones and domes.  The project was to draw a combination of those shapes connecting one to the other, like drawing a cube (box) and drawing a cone-shaped glass on top of the box.  This is the kind of easy-peasy art class that suits me to a T.  

Am working on my second zentangle.  The boyfriend went through his woodworking supplies yesterday and found a couple of sketch pads and a pastel-chalk kit for drawing.  Man, that really got me excited to see what this Flunky can come up with.  Those who know me well, can imagine the F word I'd take great pleasure in calling that teacher face-to-face.  

Ta-ta for today.