Sunday, September 22, 2024


Sunday seems the appropriate day to emphasize the value of peace in our lives.  Maybe we don't have peace on earth, but we can have peace within ourselves.  

It seems that the more interaction we have with others, the less peace we have within.  We get swept into their life situations, and then we naturally drag them home with us tucked in our minds.  This is how drama spreads.

Then there's the business of peace of heart.  We've all had our hearts broken, but eventually a sense of peace replaces the pain.  We come up with ways to shelter our hearts.  When that peace sets in, we are content.  Contentment makes poor men rich, and discontent makes rich men poor.  

It's a satisfying achievement in life to reach the point where one has enough.  The desire to always want more, more and yet more.....well, it must be wearing and exhausting.  The less we have, the less there is to worry about.  The faster we race through our days, the more we miss along the way.  Sadly, we may pass by the wild violets while we're busy looking for roses.