Friday, September 13, 2024


This meme came on my FB feed this morning, and it describes my mother and me to a T.  She always told me she was traveling the world as she sat in her rocker reading one book after another.  She, like me, enjoyed the books with lots of pages.  

Well, today is Friday the 13th.  Superstitious is not a word that describes me, but it described my mother.  She went berserk if I opened an umbrella inside the house.  The imp in me would always walk under a ladder, just to taunt her or maybe test my luck.  Someone who has a fear of Friday the 13th is labeled as triskaidekaphobic.  

Tomorrow evening we'll be going to our 60th class reunion.  Now, if that doesn't put the ancient caps on us, I don't know what does.  Of course, life's blessing is that we never feel our age, but always remain a kid in our heads.  A good chunk of our class has gone on to their pie in the sky, and those of us who remain will gather as forever friends.  We're kindred spirits.

Oh, by the way, pie in the sky reminds me of the piece of homemade coconut cream pie the boyfriend and I shared on our way home from our 5-daycation.......

This pie was the real deal....the kind our mothers made from scratch.  I personally lean on boxed pudding mixes to make my pies.  The boyfriend told me to go up to the pie pantry and pick out one and we'd share a piece.....

Pie Pantry
My overeater's brain wanted one piece of each, but I chose the coconut cream that's on the far right.  I'm drooling just looking at the picture.

We ate our one piece slowly, savoring every bite.  There's less guilt involved when we share a piece of sweetness.  Plus, there's something spiritual about sharing a piece of pie....a communion of souls one might say. 

But, then, I can make climbing a tree into a spiritual experience!!!!! 


  1. We're kindred. Course, we knew that. My father was very superstitious and I'd walk under any ladder I could. I, too, opened an umbrella inside the house and rocked a chair without anyone in it.
    It was Friday, the 13th, my birthday and I wanted a black kitten and name her Superstition. Well, suffice to say, I never got the kitty cat

    1. Tall Cottage.....your comment makes me giggle. Yuppers, we are kindred......sort of a lifetime miracle. The story about you wanting a kitty for your birthday is a hoot. I know I wouldn't have gotten it either!!!!!

  2. I sure wish I liked to read. Back in the day before computers I read a lot. Kept track of every book and author from 1979 until today. Every year there was less and less on my list. Maybe two or three books a year now. My problem is I can't remember what I read unless it's a juicy book. Self-help books forget it. I end up daydreaming. And it has to be large print, no paperbacks.

    1. Alice......I bought myself a pair of 3.0 cheaters for the books with small print. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to read some of 'em. ..... How is your nephew?
