Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Getting back to our up-north trek, we were leaving the Federal Dam Campground heading south on highway 84, I think it was.  We were turning a corner when the boyfriend said to me, "We've been here before.  Look at that cemetery."  He steered us into the peaceful Ponto Lake Cemetery.  Sure enough, we had been there before.  The reason we remembered it was because of the two Indian grave houses.  

Indian Grave Houses
These grave houses were built over a grave to protect the deceased from the elements and prevent wild animals from digging up the body.  These houses also served as shelters for the spirit.

Notice at the end of each grave house there is a small opening.  This was so food could be placed inside to sustain the deceased on his way to the Happy Hunting Grounds.  The day we were there and took these photos, there were a few quarter coins on the ledges of the openings.  The boyfriend made sure to place a quarter there as a sign of our honor and respect.  
I zoomed in the photo so you can see the quarters laying on the ledge.  This was our private spiritual ceremony in the North Country Forest.


  1. I've never heard of these before. Thank You for sharing.

    1. We have more fun finding these little gems from the past hidden along our way.

  2. How very interesting!! Glad that your recognized you had been there before…good job, Dale! Wouldn’t”t food placed in the small opening “invite” unwanted small animals? The memories are so precious!

  3. raise a good point about the food inviting small animals. As I read about these grave houses, I think they were primarily for the spirits of the deceased.
