Saturday, September 7, 2024

B&B continued

School shootings are now the norm.  What a sadness for our children.  They don't deserve this kind of introduction to life.  I am pleased to see that parents are finally going to face responsibility for their children's actions.  Having worked with the juvenile justice system, up until now the parents were not responsible for their children's criminal actions.  It's high time that changes.  Why on God's green today's school-shooting society.....would a father buy his 14-year-old son an AR-style gun for Christmas!  

Okay, let's get back to our 5-daycation.  Yesterday I posted photos of the front porch of the B&B.  Here are a few of the ones I took outside and a couple of the downstairs......

Shadows on Bricks

Water Fountain Beside Mansion

Fairy Village Beside Fountain

Breakfast Served Outside

Entry Hallway Looking in Parlor Piano

Facing Dining Table

Breakfast Beneath the Pines
We enjoyed two morning breakfasts served beneath the pines.  We were joined by an accountant, a nurse practitioner, a microbiologist, an agriculturist, a pastor, and a symphony violinist.  Talk about a motley crew.  We shared, we laughed, all the while enjoying the plated presentations.....which will be tomorrow's post.