Friday, December 15, 2023

Today I'm tickled pink to share an adorable holiday photo of my precious little fur-nieces, Millie and Maggie.  Truth be told, I adore the two little fuzz balls.  I must pull the reigns back on myself before my readers think I'm totally nuts!

Whenever we arrive at their house, I call out to them.  They come running to me and jump up on my lap, and smother me with puppy kisses.  Honestly, there's nothing in this world that makes me happier.  I love them with all my heart.  

This morning we're soon off to go to the grocery store.  Yesterday's outing was curtailed by the pain in my neck and back.  The good news is that my massager was delivered to my door in the afternoon.  Talk about a wonderful device.  It has heat as well as a deep muscle massager.  The bad news is that I over-used it for the first time.  Today the back of my neck and shoulders are red, sore and actually look bruised.  The jury is still out trying to decide just how dumb I am!

So, this morning we must trolley back downtown for our groceries.  Then about 2 this afternoon little Buffy Boo will be brought to us.  She's staying at her house for pictures before coming to stay with us.  The wedding is at 3.  Buffy is going to wear a little bridesmaid dress for the photo shoot.  Yes, a 4-pound Yorkie wearing a dress. 

Oh, almost forgot to share my experience at a local Chinese Restaurant.  I was in the buffet line going to reach for the serving spoon in one of the beef stir fry entrees.  That's when a tall, handsome young man to my left totally ignored me, reached in front of me for the serving spoon and took his time to put beef and vegetables on his plate....all the while totally ignoring me, not saying excuse me, absolutely total disregard for an older lady--me.  It was so rude that I couldn't believe just how offensive some young guys can be.  So, I'm here to say that chivalry is dead as a door nail.  

Yes, it's my turn to feel the pain experienced by the elderly.  I don't think of myself as elderly, but the calendar argues.  The outside of me no longer matches the inside of me.  With our world screaming of discrimination, there's only one that is ignored.  And, it's those of us who have lived the longest.  The only saving grace is knowing that what goes around comes around.  Their day will come just as ours has.  Time stands still for no one.  The pretty face disappears, the handsomeness does, too.  The reason I prefer puppies to people is because they never see us as young or old.  I know that if I'm feeling sad, Millie and Maggie will be there for me with sincere kisses.  

One of the hardest parts of aging is no longer being needed.  Where I once was included, I'm now excluded.  I watched my mother endure this, and now it's my turn.  My heart has always cared for older people.  In them, I found wisdom and kindness.  There's so much less kindness in today's world, and that's so sad.  We here at Venny share our feelings about those that stay away from over-55 communities because they don't want to be with older people.  Yet, we are the ones with the most life experience and most life achievements.  Like all things, one has to be there to understand what it's like.  Growing old requires a mind set, and I'm definitely forming my own.  We have to in order to survive what is a cruel separation from society.  And, there's nothing more brutal than exclusion.  

A week from tomorrow we're invited to share the G-clan Christmas, and I'll be with Millie and Maggie then.  Wish there was some way they could know just how much they mean to me.  Who knows, maybe they do.  I think pets appreciate our warmth and love just as much as we do.  Love is love.  What many don't understand is that domesticated animals are just as capable of loving as we are.  In my humble opinion, I think maybe even more so.

Gotta get going here.  Ta-ta.